Archives for 2011

Noah’s favorite new mouth sounds!

One of the coolest things about being new parents is watching our little Noah develop his own unique personality.  When Noah was just a few days old there was no doubt that he was his daddy’s son!  This kid likes to have fun!  And he looks really cute in the process. To quote Will Smith in Men In Black, [Read More…]…

Noah’s Six Month Birthday Extravaganza

Wow..!  Today was so great, I’m not even sure where to start.  One reason for today’s awesomeness is:  Today is Noah’s six month birthday…!  I can’t believe it’s already been six months since God blessed us with this cute little guy – time really does fly.  As I’ve said before, this has been the best six months [Read More…]…

To My Son Noah On His Six Month Birthday

Dear Noah, I can’t believe you are six months old today.  Without a doubt this has been the best six months of my life.  When your mom and I got married I couldn’t imagine that it was possible to love anyone else the way I love her, but Noah you have changed everything I’ve known about love.  I love you in the deepest [Read More…]…

Noah Working On Core Strength At Physical Therapy

Low muscle tone is a common characteristic for babies born with Down Syndrome, therefore it’s important to work on developing their core strength as early as possible.  We’ve had Noah in private therapy (physical, occupational, and speech) since he was three weeks old, and have seen tremendous improvements in all areas. We visit the physical therapist weekly on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Their goal is to help Noah develop [Read More…]…

CBC (Complete Blood Count) Tests Are No Fun…For Anyone.

A child born with Down Syndrome is at a higher risk to develop leukemia then a “typical kid,” therefore when the child is six months old their pediatrician will commonly order a Complete Blood Count (CBC) Test.  (For more information please read our post, “Blood Tests Preformed For Babies Born With Down Syndrome.”)  Among other things, the CBC shows the concentration of white blood [Read More…]…