Recent Posts
Feb102014 By Noah's Mom, MD 13 Comments

4 Activities to Help Your Child Stand On Their Own
We’re proud to announce that Noah reached another major milestone toady…standing up on his own! Most children actually stand on their own (without help from people or objects, which he has been able to do for a while) before taking their first steps, but not our little guy! In fact, we recently posted a video of him trying to stand on his on, but not quite being able to. This is probably due to his desire to be moving rather than stand still. Kids are going to achieve their milestones in their own time and in their own order which is fine by me, why follow the “rules.”
[Read More…]Feb92014 By Rick Smith 10 Comments

Our 1 Year Old Travels To New York City As A Down Syndrome Advocate!
We were excited to learn that the National Down Syndrome Society wanted to feature our little boy’s picture in a special video to be shown in the heart of Times Square to kick off the New York City Buddy Walk, and help rise awareness about Down syndrome!
I’ve already mentioned how much I enjoy New York, and especially Times Square…so this was a particularly special parenting moment for me. (In fact, I’m such a fan of NYC that this was actually his second time to go…and he’s only one year old!)
[Read More…]Feb82014 By Rick Smith 5 Comments

Yelp. This Is My All Time Favorite Sound.
One of my favorite things about our home is how much laughter fills it. I love laughter. And I especially love hearing the sweet sound of our one year old laughing!
I can’t get enough of hearing this little boy laugh. I could seriously listen to what your about to hear on this video ALL. DAY. LONG. Click play on the video below to hear for yourself. Warning: it’s contagious!
[Read More…]Feb72014 By Rick Smith 16 Comments

Our Little Man Is Learning To Stand!
Noah is seriously one of the hardest working one year olds I know! He works so hard at his physical therapy appointments, and I can’t even guess how much time he has spent doing treadmill training. And while he’s sitting up on his own, and inch worming like a boss, he isn’t quite ready to walk or stand up on his own quite yet.
But he’ll get there.
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Down Syndrome Resources

Cooking with Kitty: A YouTube Chef with a Dual Diagnosis
I love seeing people with Down syndrome (and Autism) doing awesome things. As a technology nerd … [Read More...]

46 Companies That Hire People With Special Needs
Before I became the dad of a child with Down syndrome I didn't pay much attention to companies that … [Read More...]
Down Syndrome Therapy

4 Activities to Help Your Child Stand On Their Own We're proud to announce that Noah reached another major milestone … [Read More...]

Signing Update: Noah’s First Sign Language Sentence!
We're a huge fan of teaching Noah baby sign language to help him communicate with us. We have been … [Read More...]
Down Syndrome Parenting

How a Chick-Fil-A Employee Changed My Idea of “Meaningful” Work
Last week I was eating lunch at a local Chick-Fil-A when I noticed a young women with Down syndrome working at this particular location. (As a parent … [Read More...]

A (New) Letter To Our Son’s Teachers On His First Day Of School
It's hard to believe it's been almost three years since Noah first started to school (and we wrote our first letter to his teachers)...time really … [Read More...]