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Jan52016 By Rick Smith 50 Comments

Whatever Happened To (And What’s Next!)
Wow! It’s hard to believe it’s 2016! Time really does fly. I thought I’d take a few minutes to update you on what happened to this blog and what’s coming up in 2016! What Happened To This Blog? If you’ve been following this blog for a while you may have noticed that the posts have [Read More…]…
Sep142015 By Rick Smith 43 Comments

A (New) Letter To Our Son’s Teachers On His First Day Of School
It’s hard to believe it’s been almost three years since Noah first started to school (and we wrote our first letter to his teachers)…time really does fly! A lots changed in those three years. Noah has a new little brother. He was grown in leaps and bounds. We moved to a new city. And Noah started [Read More…]…
Aug242015 By Rick Smith 41 Comments

Our Son Rides The Short Bus…And I Couldn’t Be More Proud!
Today our four year old boy, who we love dearly, rode the school bus for the first time. The short school bus. The short bus. Four years ago (before Noah was born) I would have never imagined that we would one day have a child that would literally ride the “short bus.” But the truth is, you never know what [Read More…]…
Jan52015 By Rick Smith 17 Comments

Join Us For OneLife LA On Jan 17, 2015
On Saturday January 17th our entire family is excited to be speaking at OneLife LA in downtown Los Angeles. OneLife LA is the first-ever large-scale event celebrating the beauty and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. Hello, can you say awesome! If there’s anyway you can make it out to the event we would [Read More…]…
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Down Syndrome Resources

Cooking with Kitty: A YouTube Chef with a Dual Diagnosis
I love seeing people with Down syndrome (and Autism) doing awesome things. As a technology nerd … [Read More...]

46 Companies That Hire People With Special Needs
Before I became the dad of a child with Down syndrome I didn't pay much attention to companies that … [Read More...]
Down Syndrome Therapy

4 Activities to Help Your Child Stand On Their Own We're proud to announce that Noah reached another major milestone … [Read More...]

Signing Update: Noah’s First Sign Language Sentence!
We're a huge fan of teaching Noah baby sign language to help him communicate with us. We have been … [Read More...]
Down Syndrome Parenting

How a Chick-Fil-A Employee Changed My Idea of “Meaningful” Work
Last week I was eating lunch at a local Chick-Fil-A when I noticed a young women with Down syndrome working at this particular location. (As a parent … [Read More...]

A (New) Letter To Our Son’s Teachers On His First Day Of School
It's hard to believe it's been almost three years since Noah first started to school (and we wrote our first letter to his teachers)...time really … [Read More...]