After a busy of week full of physical therapy appointments, and sitting marathons it was nice to simply hang out and home and enjoy the sweetness of fatherhood. Some of my very favorite times of the day is the time right before Noah goes to sleep. When my wife and I just hold and cuddle [Read More…]…
Celebrating Wins (Both Big and Small)
Today was a big day at our house. Noah beat his all time sitting record, and sat up so long that I lost count! It nice to see all of those sitting marathons and three times a week therapy appointments paying off! 🙂 Since Noah is our first child I honestly have no idea when [Read More…]…
3 Free Gifts Your Child Will Like Better Than An iPad
The time right before Noah goes to sleep is the sweetest time of my day. My wife and I take time to hold him and read to him from The Jesus Storybook Bible (which by the way is awesome!) Afterwords we hold his tiny little hands and pray with him. We look forward to it [Read More…]…
Nerds Know How To Party!
This time last year I remember wondering what it would be like to take our little boy to birthday parties. It seemed so far away. It seemed like something reserved for “older” people. Little Kid Parties, Grown Up Talk I wondered what parents did while their little munchkins were consuming countless pounds of birthday cake. [Read More…]…
Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing
I was never really into the television show “The Little House On The Prairie” but from what I remember their life was pretty slow. I never remember Charles taking little Grace to countless physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy appointments, riding elephants (or rody horses), or taking little Mary to have a CBC test [Read More…]…