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how help child drink from straw cup

How My Child With Down Syndrome Learned To Drink From A Straw Cup

Noah’s making a straw look easy today! If you watched today’s video you may be wondering why in the world he’s “drinking” his baby food through a straw through! I’ll explain why at the end of this post. I’ll also tell you about how it’s a great oral motor exercise that you can do at home [Read More…]…

American Airlines Doesn’t Want People With Down Syndrome To Fly First Class?

This is the 3rd story I’ve posted like this. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m becoming more sensitive to stories about people with Down syndrome being treated unfairly, or if the media is just starting just starting to report more stories like these. Either way, I think this story deserves to have some attention. American Airlines refuses to allow [Read More…]…

Help Your Child Learn To Crawl Up Stairs With These 7 Tips!

It’s been a fun time in the Smith household lately, as our son has had developmental explosion recently. In the last few months he has sat up by himself , gotten his first tooth, begun to self feed, has become a master inchwormer, and has pulled himself up to a standing position for the first time!

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Where Our Son Stands After 5 Months Of Pediatric Treadmill Training

We’re in full swing when-is-this-kid-going-to-take-his-first-steps mode around our house. And it isn’t just his mother and I who are excited about Noah learning to walk…. I can tell by the look on Noah’s face that he really wants to take take those first steps. But he isn’t quite there…yet.

On the other hand, he’s one of the fatest inchworm-ers I’ve ever seen!

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Down Syndrome Resources

chef with down syndrome YouTube channel

Cooking with Kitty: A YouTube Chef with a Dual Diagnosis

I love seeing people with Down syndrome (and Autism) doing awesome things. As a technology nerd … [Read More...]

companies that hire people with disabilities

46 Companies That Hire People With Special Needs

Before I became the dad of a child with Down syndrome I didn't pay much attention to companies that … [Read More...]

More Down Syndrome Resources....

Down Syndrome Therapy

how to help child stand up on their own

4 Activities to Help Your Child Stand On Their Own We're proud to announce that Noah reached another major milestone … [Read More...]

how to get baby to use sentences put words together with sign language

Signing Update: Noah’s First Sign Language Sentence!

We're a huge fan of teaching Noah baby sign language to help him communicate with us. We have been … [Read More...]

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Down Syndrome Parenting

meaningful work people with down syndrome

How a Chick-Fil-A Employee Changed My Idea of “Meaningful” Work

Last week I was eating lunch at a local Chick-Fil-A when I noticed a young women with Down syndrome working at this particular location. (As a parent … [Read More...]

A (New) Letter To Our Son’s Teachers On His First Day Of School

It's hard to believe it's been almost three years since Noah first started to school (and we wrote our first letter to his teachers)...time really … [Read More...]

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