10 Things to Never to Say to a Parent of a Child with Down Syndrome

So, one day you’re just hanging out at home, enjoying a cup of coffee and a good book. Your phone rings. It’s your best friend, she’s crying on the other end of the phone, and through her tears, you hear her say, “I just found out my baby has Down syndrome.” You’re shocked. You don’t know [Read More…]…

The Northpark Santa Claus Has an Amazing Gift for Children with Special Needs!

In the Dallas area, where we live, there is a Santa Claus unlike any other – the Northpark Mall Santa Claus! The “Northpark Santa” (Carl Anderson) has been performing as Santa Claus at this specific mall for going on 40 years! He’s even been featured on ABC News for his Santa skills. If you’ve ever taken your [Read More…]…

Top Ten Gift Ideas For A 7 Year Old With Down Syndrome | 2017

Sometime back we wrote a blog post on the top Christmas gift ideas for a baby born with Down syndrome (as well as the top gifts under 25 dollars, and the top developmental toys) however, Noah has outgrown many of those toys, and so I thought it would be a good idea to write an updated [Read More…]…

Introducing Koen Breckin Smith

I’m about six weeks late in writing this post, but I want to officially introduce all of our blog readers to Noah and Jaxten’s new baby brother, Koen Breckin Smith! It doesn’t seem like that long ago that we were welcoming into the world our second child, Jaxten, but here we are with our third [Read More…]…

A Letter to Noah’s First Grade Teacher On His First Day of School

The following is a letter my wife wrote Noah’s first-grade teacher on his first day of school. She also wrote one for his first day of Kindergarten as well if you’d like to check it out. Dear Ms. [XXX,] We are very excited to be a part of your class this year, especially with your [Read More…]…