Archives for 2012

3 Ways Parents Of Kids With Down Syndrome Can Find A Play Group, Make Friends, And Stop Feeling Lonely!

One of the biggest fears I had when Noah was born was that we’d never have any friends who could really relate to us. Sure, we had lots of friends with young children, but none of them had a child with Down syndrome. So even though they could relate to us as a parent, there was no way they could relate to us when it came to raising [Read More…]…

How A Pancake Breakfast With My 13 Month Old Reminded Me That Single Parenting Ain’t Easy

One of my favorite things in the world to do is take our son on “daddy dates.” Daddy dates are pretty much just what they sound like; a dad, taking his child, on a date! Basically, Noah and I just go out and have some somewhere. Just the two of us. It doesn’t really matter what [Read More…]…

The Best Push Toy In the Whole Wide World: The Stride-to-Ride Dino!

Ok, so maybe this push toy isn’t the best one in the World, but the Stride to Ride Dino is the best push toy I’ve ever seen for a child learning to walk on their own. After you read my little ‘mini-review’ at the end of this post, be sure to let me know if you agree, or [Read More…]…

How My Child With Down Syndrome Learned To Drink From A Straw Cup

Noah’s making a straw look easy today! If you watched today’s video you may be wondering why in the world he’s “drinking” his baby food through a straw through! I’ll explain why at the end of this post. I’ll also tell you about how it’s a great oral motor exercise that you can do at home [Read More…]…

American Airlines Doesn’t Want People With Down Syndrome To Fly First Class?

This is the 3rd story I’ve posted like this. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m becoming more sensitive to stories about people with Down syndrome being treated unfairly, or if the media is just starting just starting to report more stories like these. Either way, I think this story deserves to have some attention. American Airlines refuses to allow [Read More…]…