Archives for 2011

It’s official…

…We’re adults! We closed on out first home today. So thankful!

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2 Reaons Why I Make My Own Baby Food (And A Yummy Free Recipe!)

I know there are lots of good reasons to make your own baby food.  I’d like to share with you my two favorite reasons: One, I like to cook. Two, it is WAY cheaper than buying it at the store. Organic is not a big deal to me, but saving a dollar or two sure [Read More…]…

4 Reasons You Should Use an Exercise Ball For Hypotonia

You may notice that Noah is sitting, rolling, stretching, and grabbing rubber exercise balls in the majority of his therapy sessions. Today he got to play on a giant, textured rubber peanut exercise ball. They come in a lot of sizes and a few different shapes.  I am fairly certain we have tried them all. So,what’s the [Read More…]…

Flu Shot Times 2

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Early Childhood Intervention Services You May Not Know About

Another day another therapy session. Isn’t it weird how this is just a normal part of your life? I remember when we came home from the hospital I cried. It was not the coming home I had envisioned. One of the reasons I was so sad was that I knew with Noah coming home it [Read More…]…