Archives for 2011

Noah Rides A Dinosaur

Hey everyone, I’m sorry for the lack for video tonight. We are on our way to Colorado from Texas for a little R & R (and for my wife to give a speech at a banquet) this week at my wife’s parents house, and today has been a full day of driving. Which means I’m [Read More…]…

Ice Cream

Awwwww…. I wish I could just let him have a few licks. 🙂

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Lunch Time Pit Stop

Baby Noah is on his first out of state road trip to visit his grandparents in Colorado. It’s about a 15 hour road trip, and we are only about 3 hours into it. (It’s take a lot longer to pack for 3 then it does for 2 I’m learning. Especially when the +1 is a [Read More…]…

Real Talk With Baby Noah

One of the many awesome things about being a first time dad is the front row seat you get to have for all the changes a baby goes through as he develops. Noah’s only 7 1/2 months old and it’s been amazing to watch him grow up right before my eyes. In that short time [Read More…]…

Why A Straw Cup Is Better Than a Sippy Cup or Bottle for Oral Motor Development

Poor Noah has to deal with a pediatrician as a mom. That means that he didn’t get fun bumpers on his crib. (Not to mention that the crib must be following the new guidelines.) He won’t get a walker. He will get every immunization. And we will attempt to wean off that bottle by one year of age. [Read More…]…