It’s Been A Sweet Six Years!

dallas arboretum pumpkin patch 2013 wedding anniversary

I love my family!

Today my wife (the much smarter and kinder other half of Noah’s Dad) and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary! These past six years have been the best ones of my life!

Even though the title of this blog is “Noah’s Dad” make no mistake about it, everything we do is a team effort. My sweet wife is an amazing mother, wife, and friend and I couldn’t imagine being on this journey without her!

In fact, she’s a super hero!

It’s Been A Sweet Six Years!

For each wedding anniversary we try to give each other a gift from the “traditional list.” The 6th wedding anniversary gift is “iron and sweets” and my creative wife bought me a juicer…so I could make sweet tasting juice!  Get it?!

How sweet is that! 🙂

By the way, I really like juice, so this was an awesome gift!

happy parents couple down syndrome family six years marriage

Our first glass of home made apple-orange juice!

I’m really going to like making my own juice, especially since store bought juice isn’t real juice.

Last night we went out for a nice dinner at one of our favorite places, so we decided to stay in tonight, and I’m glad we did. Look what my wife cooked up for me!

See, I told you she was a-mah-zing!

crab leg six wedding anniversary dinner

Check out these awesome crab legs I had for dinner!

I am truly blessed to be married to such a loving wife, and incredible mommy…I’m thankful my wife was willing to marry a former thug! 🙂

Thanks for saying “I do” Abbie. I love you more than words could ever express. Praying God gives us many more sweet year together.


To those of you who have been married longer than six years leave some of your favorite marriage advice in the comments below. And if you’re a “juicer” I’d love to hear some of your favorite juice recipes! 

About Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.


  1. Don’t forget to spend time together, just the two of you!

    Also, pray together!

    Peace and Grace,
    Pam Dahl

  2. Patience is key. There is no learning curve for marriage or parenting so expect to learn lots more. Family and individual hobbies are key to keep growing. Learn new skills to help your partner, yourself, and family. Take vacations as a family and by yourself. Pick your battles carefully. Be the person you want your kids to be. Admit when you are wrong. Never be embarrassed that you are enamoured with your partner or proud of your kids’ small victories. Sometimes a messy house is the clue that you need to regroup, not a personal failure. Sometimes a nap is just what you need. Sometimes we need help. Those are a few of the things I’ve learned in my nineteen years of marriage and sixteen years of parenting. Kudos on six years and here’s to many more!

  3. Linsa Rhyne says

    Blessings on your next many years together.

  4. For people have dry cough: Asian pear + apple

    For people would like to have beautiful skin: papaya + milk

    For people feel cold all the times: anything + ginger

  5. Always have time for each other apart from Noah.
    Pray together , lift each other up .
    Remember the small things .
    ” say I appreciate you ”
    Always say I love you before you go to sleep.
    ( ours is 32 December)
    God Bless your family and Noah is a doll:)

  6. There are two keys: trust and love for a happy marriage.

  7. Kathy Martin says

    Here’s wishes for many more years together! My husband and I celebrated 50 years together this year. Commitment is the key!
    We will meet our daughter’s DS baby Wednesday. Baby is breach so will arrive via c section.
    BTW I noticed that you inquired of a poster several emails ago if they had gone to Baylor University. Our daughter and daughter in law both graduated from Baylor. Daughter played volleyball for the Bears.
    P.S. we are the family that live just over the mountains from your family.

  8. Sounds like she needs breakfast in bed with fresh orange juice! 🙂

  9. Carma pollard says

    Congratulations! We are coming up on our 48th November 6. If you remember that God is a part of your marriage when things get tough it truly helps you get through those tough times! My loving husband has been taking good care of me in many ways since my stroke in August! I am so blessed! He is my encourager and rock and he cheers me when I am down!

  10. Always laugh together ! I think this a key for a happy marriage.
    Congratulations and thank you for your web site.

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