After sitting for the first time yesterday for fifteen seconds, Noah decided to double that today with a record-breaking thirty seconds of sitting awesomeness! I have said this a million times, but this little boy works hard! It’s so neat seeing all that hard work pay off. My wife and I are so proud of our son, and couldn’t be happier with how well the therapists at Our Children House at Baylor have worked with him. Noah will be seven months old next month, and we are hoping that will be the month he can sit up for as long as he wants!
Breaking his sitting record wasn’t the only great thing that happened today. At his six month check up he hadn’t gained any weight the previous month, which of course worried us. We upped his calorie intake with things like green beans, bananas, and supplemental formula, and have been praying like crazy that for him to gain weight. Well I’m happy to report that today (two weeks later) at his weight check he has gained 11 ounces…!!! We were so happy. God has been so good to us since Noah arrived, it’s really been incredible!

This kid works hard at physical therapy!
Finally, I wanted to ask you guys for a favor. I was notified that this site has been nominated for one of the top twenty-five family blogs by a large mother website. I need you to please visit their site (or simply click the “vote” button to the right of this post) and vote for us! You can vote once per day until the voting ends on July 14. It’d be a great opportunity to connect with new and expecting mothers who may be having a child with special needs if we make it on their list, so I’d really appreciate you taking the time to vote each day. I can’t tell you how encouraging the response to this website has been. Almost everyday I am contacted by someone sharing a story about how this site, and Noah’s story has impacted them. When I started this site only a month ago that was my intent; to show the world that a family raising a child with Down Syndrome was much more “normal” then un-normal. I know there are a lot of expecting moms and dads out there who have gotten news their baby will possibly be born with Down Syndrome. They are scared, worried, and perhaps even considering aborting their baby. My prayer is that this site, and these videos will prevent that.
Since before Noah was born I have been praying that his life would change the world. I may be wrong, but I think it already is.
Go Noah! Couldn’t help an out-loud “YES!” watching that! His life IS changing the world! God bless you guys 🙂
Mark, thanks so much man!!!
This little go is go-go-GOING..! 🙂
I love this site. Noah is beautiful, and I love what you are doing! Keep it up!!
Wow..! Thank you so much, that is very humbling coming from you!
My wife and I both LOVE your site, and the story you are telling through you images and writing!
Thanks for taking the time to come over and check out the site! 🙂
Noah is beautiful, and I appreciate so much the videos you post. My daughter with Down is 37, and I married her mom when she was already grown, so I missed the growing-up years, but I’ve seen pictures, and she was a beauty! (Still is.)
I am a writer, and I have written a book called A SPY AT HOME, wherein a couple adopt an orphan with Down named Noah! I envisioned him as cute, but of course, he isn’t as cute in my mind as your Noah is in real life! Thanks again for bringing Noah’s videos to us. More, please! 🙂
Joe Rinaldo
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I love your site! And Congrats Noah for sitting for so long! My daughter is 9 months old but still can’t sit up yet. Almost there, though!
This was the coolest video. I need you to edit videos for my blog! Check out some of Julian’s milestones – videos of him rolling over, sitting, standing in his crib, holding his own bottle, 0 months to 11 months.
He is now 13 months nowand is CRAWLING up on hands and knees now (it is time to update my site!) I am so proud of him.
We were about where you are at with Noah when Julian was 7 months. Noah is kicking butt!
Thanks so much….he works hard, hard, hard!
Congrats on your little man! I can’t wait to see some more current videos. (I’m so glad you’re taking videos by the way, they are very helpful for new and expecting parents!)
As far as the videos go…yah, we have fun making them. Here’s one of my favorites ——>