We get questions from people all over the world via email, Facebook, Twitter, ourYoutube channel, our Google Plus channel, etc asking about our family, our site, what it’s like raising a child with Down syndrome, and much more; so since October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month (don’t feel bad if you didn’t know this) I thought it would be fun (and hopefully helpful) to answer some of the questions you may have. Nothing is off limits!
These emails aren’t only from people who have recently received a Down syndrome diagnosis, but by physical and occupational therapy students, high school and college students working on a research paper, people in other countries who are interested in learning more about what life is like for a child with Down syndrome in the United States, the general public just interested in learning more, and from a variety of other people.
What’s Your Question About Down Syndrome?
While we aren’t always able to answer every questions that we are asked, we try our best to answer as many as we can. However, these questions, and their related answers, are only seen by the people who asked the question. So what we would like to do is see what some of the most popular (or really unique) questions you may have for us are, and pick some of them to write about on our blog so that everyone can see the question and answer. I think it could be fun.
Just leave a comment below asking your question and we’ll pick some of the most popular ones to answer right here on the blog. If someone else asks a question that you would also like to see answered, please take a second to reply to their comment letting us know. We’ll try to pick some of the questions that the most people would like to see answered, as well as some of the more unique ones, so ask away
If you have a question that you would like to ask but don’t want to make it public (by leaving a comment) feel free to contact us directly and ask your question. If we choose your question, your name won’t be mentioned in the post. (Please note, it’s better to leave your question in the comment below so we can see how many people also have an interest in seeing that question answered. So pleaseonly use the comment form if you feel you really need to.)
We’re only 21 months into this journey so we aren’t Down Syndrome experts by any means, but we’ll do our best to answer any questions you may have.
Have you checked out The Wall of Awesome?
In honor of Down Syndrome Awareness Month we heave created the 2012 Down Syndrome Awareness Month Wall of Awesome. At the time of this post we have almost eight pages of amazing stories! Be sure to check out The Wall of Awesome, read through the stories, add your own, and share it with your friends and families.
Our hope is to create one of the largest pages of amazing stories about children and adults with Down syndrome anywhere on the internet. This way when someone receives a Down syndrome diagnosis they can come to The Wall of Awesome and find pages and pages of stories to bring them hope and encouragement. So please take a second to check it out and add your story!
What’s your question about Down syndrome, our story, something you always wanted to ask us but were afraid to ask, parenting, etc? Please leave a comment below and let us know. We can’t to see what’s on your mind and answer some of your questions. And remember, nothing is off limits, so ask away!
Hi. My son is now 16 months. I still find it difficult to talk about his diagnosis. Only a handful of people know, immediate family and close friends. I am anxious about the day the rest of my
family meets him. I still find I cry when having to mention my child has a disability. Will this ever go away or at least get better? I love him soooo much and I am not embarrassed by him, just sad for him.