Why Parenting Is The Best Paying Job In The World

baby-down-syndrome-face-boy-smiling 9

I love watching out little boy grow and develop. I have so much fun hanging out with him, and I could seriously spend all day watching (and trying to capture) all of his adorable expressions.

It melts my heart how the only thing this little 17 month old boy wants is his mommy and daddy. We’re what causes his face to light up with a glow that’s on par with the sun. We’re the ones that evoke that adorable laughter of his. We’re that ones that cause his eyes to open as wide as they can. We’re his superheros.

It’s not an iPad, a new toy, or all the money in the world that makes our little boy light up. Nope, what he longs for is the free gifts of love, time, and attention that only a parent can provide. I love the fact that I have that sort of effect on my little boy. What a great honor it is to be his daddy.

Parenting is hard work, but it’s without a doubt the best job in the world, and boy is the pay great. In fact I think parenting is the best paying job in the world. The pay that you recieve from being a parent is unmathced by any fortune 500 company.

Here’s a few pictures of today’s paycheck.

To all the parents out there, I just want to encourage you to keep investing in your kid’s life. I know life can get busy, and parenting can be exhausting, but your kids love you, and long for you way more than anything that comes in a plastic package. Take time today to have some fun with your kids…the pay’s great. 🙂
What fun did you have with your children today? Tell me about it in the comments below.

About Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.


  1. amy Snay Jacobs says

    Awesome post. Our Children are loaned to us by God, it is our job to spend as much time as we can to not only help them develop but to show them all about God’s love. I am blessed to be home with James. Children grow up so quickly, the time is now to invest our time. Today we are spending lots of time with our family at a get together!

    • Very true. The sooner we wrap our mind around that idea the better. It sure takes a lot off of our shoulders when we realize that God loves and cares for our children even more than we do.

      How awesome to know the Creator of the world has our little ones securely in His hands.

      Keep up the great work. Proud to be on this journey with you guys. Enjoy your family this weekend. 🙂

  2. Little Man caught the plague going around his daycare (only took four days) so he’s been quite miserable the last couple of days. After a visit to the emergency room on Friday morning, we’re home and taking things easy. We’ve been cuddling on the couch, watching episodes of “Shaun the Sheep” and “Wallace & Gromit” (Netflix Streaming is one of the best inventions). We did get out for a little while today to buy some new shoes. Other than that, just some big cuddling time with Mama and video conferencing with Daddy (as he’s on his way to California for his new job).

  3. Awww – these are gorgeous pics of Noah – what a little cutie! 🙂 x I’ve just taken loads of pics of my 9 month old daughter today in the sun and love looking back on older pics to see how she’s developed and changed. I love spending time with her and do wonder how dull life must have been before she came along 🙂 She’s my ray of sun and a proper giggle-puss.

  4. Awesome pictures of an awesome “Undercover Angel”. It is so exciting to see Noah everyday. He always brings a smile (and tears as I recall memories from Jonathan’s past….happy tears). We spent the day at our daughter Jodi’s home for a BBQ and spent a few hours with 2 other special people in our lives…..our Grand kids, Liam (9) and Taylor (7). I’ve been asked many times if I regret the many years I spent as an alcoholic (been sober since January 4, 1990…..but who’s counting….lol), and the choices I made. I regret nothing…..everything that I have done in the past has brought me to where I am today and I am so happy with who I am and what I have around me. Any other choice in the past would have taken me down a different road. I believe, with the Grace of my Higher Power, that I made the right choices for me…..it is only those who think their lives suck that have regrets. I have been very lucky….I have Jonathan who teaches me everyday the true meaning of life and how to live it. He is an “Undercover Angel” sent to me by God to make me a better human being. I simply love the extra chromosome mentality…..we should all be Powered By An Extra Chromosome”…..the world would be such a better place!

  5. Mary Regan says

    I love what wonderful parents you both are!!!!! I teach preschool and have for 12 years. I first started in a intergrated classroom, I loved it the pay wasn’t great so I had to move on 🙁 But I saw such amazing things we celebrated each and every milestone there was always a party happening in the classroom. 🙂 People like you are the ones that pave the way! We all have our special gifts. Noah is already growing into a unbelieveable lil guy! With your love and support he will be able to do anything he wants! all my love Mary

    • Thanks very much for the kind words. We’re just trying to love our little guy the best way we know how. Somedays we feel like we do an ok job, others not so great. We’re learning like everyone else. 🙂

      Thanks for all you do as a preschool teacher by the way. You have such an IMPACT on children, and I know you probably don’t get told thank you very often. So thank you!

      Where are you from if you don’t mind me asking? Who knows, maybe you teach some of the parents who read our blog’s children?! 🙂

      • Mary Regan says

        I teach in West Roxbury Mass. I love what I do and know what I do helps instill values that make great people! Teachers don’t always get thanks but we get a billion pint sized hugs daily:)
        I have a million ideas for things you can do with noah! sensory, fine motor and so on. I will type them when I get a chance. Love to you all Mary

  6. Gosh! His eyes are just so big and gorgeous! 🙂

  7. Matthew and went swimming yesterday. It was so much fun watching my 6’2″ tall, 19 yr old big-little kid jump in the pool yelling ,”To Infinity and Beyond!”

    The other parents stared and I could see the thought bubbles above their heads thinking, “What is up with that guy.”

    But the little Kids? They thought he was wonderful and soon they were all doing it. They didn’t think he was wierd, they thought he was fun. He has taught me to forget what others think and just relax and enjoy life!

    And I’m supposed to be teaching him about life? Yea, not so much.

  8. Jane Fitzpatrick says

    Noah is beautiful! What amazing blue eyes he has. I love to see the posts and pics on Facebook. I work with children with Special needs and over the years have with with many with Downs. They are each special in there own way. They bring a gift daily just by being who they are. Way to go Dad on doing this to show the world what an amazing young man you and your wife have.

  9. What a great blog post! As a parent, I TOTALLY identify with this attitude. People always talk about what a drain on finances a child is. What. Ever. Best choice I ever made.

  10. You are sooo right! My daughter Johanna continues to amaze me and Tech me, instead of the other way around. She reminds me to “not sweat the small stuff” and its all small stuff! The big stuff is her!! Thanks for sharing!

  11. This is soooooootrue. I just get really exciting of being a parent of my self too. Your words are truly encouraging and motivating our parenting of raising my 16 months old son in Japan. thank you so much.

  12. Maarten S. says

    Hello Rick,

    Great blog and a wonderful kid!
    I’m a (Dutch) Graphic designer at an Online book shop. We are creating a thematic page about mental disability. I was hoping that you would give me permission to use one of your beautiful pictures on this page.

    The special thing about our bookshop is that we give 10% of value goes to charity. And the costumer can choose which organization gets the 10%. There are allot of child care organizations that we support by selling books.

    I like to hear from you.

    Maarten S.

  13. Hope McLean says

    What an amazing, handsome young son you have.

  14. Rebecca Bourque says

    He is super adorable! His little smile makes me so happy(:

  15. Hi!
    I was so inspired by this post and your beautiful son that I couldn’t help myself depicting him in a portrait. If you like the picture, I can send you a high resolution version for printing. Here’s the post where you can find a smaller version: http://nycksill.blogspot.se/2013/10/happy-earth.html
    There you can also read a bit about my thoughts while making it, what the picture stands for, and so forth.

    I normally sell my pictures for about 30 dollars a piece, but since I based this picture on your photographs I will not make it available for sale, if you don’t want me to. If you want me to, though, I could make it available for sale, and I would be glad to give you and your son all the profits if anybody buys a copy. I have not sold very much of my art, so it would probably not amount to much, but I am currently exhibiting some of my work at an avant garde gallery in Sweden, and have started making covers for bands and t-shirts. My other pictures are a bit more graphic and perhaps not suited for viewing by sensitive persons, though, so I hope you won’t be disturbed by my taking an interest in your family. I’ve changed alot in the last couple of months, and abandoned that type of art.
    The project I’ve just started working on, which the picture is a part of, is based on the idea of finding beauty where you least expect it, and trying to challenge peoples ideas of what is beautiful and what isn’t. I really hope you like the picture, and wish you all the best! You’ve got a really cool kid!
    Benjamin Söderström

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