This (almost) seven month old works hard!
It seems like it’s been forever since we’ve taken Noah to occupational therapy.
He goes to physical therapy twice a week, every week, but only goes to occupational therapy once a week, every other week, and his last apportionment fell on The Forth of July so he didn’t have it. (confused yet?)
But it gets every more fun.
Noah’s occupational therapist told us during his visit today that our little boy is now strong enough to have his occupational therapy visits upgraded…..to once a week, every week!
Which means we will be visiting Our Children’s House at Baylor three times a week….every week. (Head spinning yet? Mine is.)
There Has Never Been A Better Time For A Baby To Be Born With Down Syndrome
(Be sure not to miss the video (above) to see this little guy in action!)
It sounds like a lot (and it is) but as I’ve said a million times, we’re so thankful for all of the therapies available today to help children born with Down syndrome reach their full potential.
I’ll never forget a few weeks after Noah was born when a representative from the Down Syndrome Guild of Dallas called me to help us get connected to our local Down syndrome supportgroup.
After spending 30 minutes or so encouraging me on the phone, she ended our conversation by saying,
“Congratulations on your sweet son Noah. There has never been a better time for someone to be born with Down syndrome!”
At first, I was taken back by her quote, but it quickly occurred to me that she was right.
Down Syndrome Research Has Never Been Better
There are many institutions that have dedicated their research on helping increase cognitive function for children born with Down syndrome.
Here are a few:
- Down Syndrome Education International (DSRTF),
- The Down Syndrome Research Center at The Stanford School of Medicine,
- The Kennedy Krieger Institute at John Hopkins at The John Hopkins University School of Medicine,
- The Down Syndrome Research and Treatment Foundation

Today the focus isn’t on trying to “cure” Down syndrome, (there isn’t anything to cure by the way) instead it’s committed to helping children born with that little extra chromosome become all that God has designed them to be….and I like that.
So to quote my friend from our local support group, there really hasn’t ever been a better time to be born with Down syndrome!
I’ve learned so much about the many significant advances in Down syndrome research over the last seven months since Noah has been born…and I’m always looking to learn more!
Have you come across any exciting and interesting information research over the course of your journey with Down Syndrome (or special needs in general?)
I just discovered your blog and its a wonderful story you are sharing. So many parents can find great support in Noahs Chronicles. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks so much!
So glad that you found us. Look forward to getting to know you and your family as well.
Oh Noah is such a cutie pie! Those eyes!
Hey thanks…we agree!
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