Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Wow! It’s hard to believe it’s 2016! Time really does fly. I thought I’d take a few minutes to update you on what happened to this blog and what’s coming up in 2016!
If you’ve been following this blog for a while you may have noticed that the posts have slowed way down…like way down. In fact I only posted three new blog posts in 2015! When I started this blog back in 2011 I was in grad school, working part time, and we only only had one child. My goal at the time was to post a video a every day giving the world a window into what life is like rising a child with Down syndrome. And if you check back on our old posts (or our YouTube channel) I did just this. However, it was a lot of work. A lot.
I shot the videos, edited the videos, uploaded the videos, wrote the blog posts that went with those videos (and some of them were really long,,.just check the archives) then shared the posts and tried to reply to the comments on those posts…on top of all that I also managed all of our growing social media channels. Then I graduated from grad school, jumped into a full time job, had another child, and this site just became impossible to keep up. Our Facebook page and Instagram account became the main place we posted updates on our life (simply because it’s much faster to post updates to those channels) and this blog became sort of a ghost town of the world wide web!
Despite the fact that I rarely post on this blog any more, it still receives a tremendous amount of traffic. People from all of the world come to this blog every day wanting to learn more about what life is like raising a child with Down syndrome, looking for hope, encouragement, and wanting to stay connected to our story, and so my goal for 2016 is to resurrect this blog.
I really enjoy telling our story and connecting with so many great people. My goal is to post a new blog post to this site once a week every week this year. They may not be as long as they were before and I may not be able to post a video ever post but I will continue to tell our story.
I still have a lot of video from the last three years that haven’t been posted, including some significant milestones, and I plan on posting those videos with a disclaimer at the top of the post saying that video is from an earlier time.
For everyone that’s been following our story, please forgive us for letting this blog turn into a ghost town.
Here’s to continuing the story in 2016! We hope you’ll still follow along!
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View Comments
Hi Rick, Abby, Noah and Jaxton.... oh yes, please continue posting and blogging. I do not have a Down Syn. child but have worked with Down friends in the past. So I enjoy hearing and particularly seeing Noah and how he has changed over the years. I can't believe the progress he has made. And all the wonderful things you share about the family. So please, please keep on doing it -- whenever (and IF ever) you have time. I know there are jillions of us out here who are interesting. Best wishes for a beautiful 2016~
Thanks for the kinds words! Here's to more blog posts in 2016! :)
I can't wait for more blogs. I have a 3 year old with Ds. You have taught me so much. Please dont stop. You and your family are wonderful and very comforting to us!!
We have a beautiful 3 1/2 year old granddaughter Ella Beth that we only see 2 or 3 times a year. We miss her and all of her family terribly. I really enjoyed following your blog. Continue as you are able and will look forward to each one. Jean
Great to hear from you again Rick. I'm looking forward to hearing all about Noah's progress. Our Jacob just turned two and your insight of what we have to expect is greatly helpful and appreciated. Happy New Year & God bless
Rick - thanks so much for taking the time to write the blog. My wife and I refer to your past posts all the time with out 11 month old. Some posts are so spot on its scary!
Hey Graham, thanks for saying hello and for the kind words. Were do you guys live?
We are in NS, Canada ? our little guy had a complete balanced avsd repair at 5 months and is chugging along great now!
This is why I started following you on Facebook (though I kept the blog in my feed).
I enjoy watching your family. I have a son with Downs Syndrome who is now an adult. He is doing well, but we would like to move out of California. Looking for a state that has programs for adults. Michael has a job working for an organization that hires the disabled, square dances every Tuesday evening with other adults with disabilities. Just wondered where you live and what is available? I love watching your sons thrive. - Best wished in 2016 - A Fan and a Mom
That's awesome! We live in Texas.
Noah's story is the first thing I found about Down Syndrome when I researched it when my son was born!!! My son is a child with Down Syndrome not Down Syndrome child!!! I learned this from this site!!! I was scared at first but Noah's family gave me home with Liam!!! I love that I have connected with so many people with children with Down syndrome!!! So keep sharing!!!!
Thanks for the comment and for sharing a picture. What an awesome little dude!
Hi Rick, Abby, Noah and Jaxton, I always liked your posts, I am the mother of a down syndrome son, Todd, however he at the age of 49 passed away in March 2015 from aspiration pneumonia, I along with his 3 brothers miss him more every day....Todd had a happy life and had many accoplishments, along with special Olympics his favorite thing to do was raking leaves, I will try to attach a picture but please know I am not a computer person, I will look forward to reading your posts and I wish you and your family the best life has to offer..
Thanks so much for your comment! I'm so sorry to hear about your son, he looks like an awesome guy!
I am so sorry for the loss of your son. I have worked for many years with heroes like him as their counsel, teacher and advocate. Now I have a hero of my own, Layiah, 12 years old. You are very special to have had your boy and I know he blessed you and everyone around him. He is with you now and always until you meet again.
Your blog was the first one I found laying in the hospital bed following the surprising news that our little girl had Down syndrome. She's 6 months old now, but I still remember reading your words and not feeling so alone. I'm excited to follow along this year:)
Whatever your outlet, your family is such a blessing for letting us in. It helps everyone in so many different ways. Thank you!
Hi Rick,
Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family. I’ve been following your Blog and have become more interested in Down Syndrome ever since I had the privilege of producing and publishing a book written by one of our family members who has DS…or as Megan so aptly calls it “Up Syndrome” It’s all about the attitude!
Keep up the good work, I look forward to your posts.