Our boys are BIG Nerf fans! If you ever come to our house don’t be surprised if you find a Nerf bullet wizzing by you! Since they are NERF fans, and enjoy new adventures, we jumped in the car yesterday and headed down to Fair Park in Dallas, TX to the Nerf Challenge.
The Nerf Challenge is a massive indoor Nerf experience that is 90,000 square feet of activities, thousand of Nerf Blasters, Millions of Nerf darts, football, baseball, basketball, and other fun games. As their website says, “It’s every NERF fan’s dream come to life.” Check out the video below to see some of the many different activities they had set up (including the human bowling bowl game!) Note: if you can’t see the play button below simply click on the image to watch the video.
I was really impressed with how many different activities they had for people to do. One thing I especially liked is that your ticket got your unlimited play on everything they had for the entire day. So the kids could play video games, run the obstacle course, play some Nerf themed carnival games, or shoot some Nerf guns and not have to pay extra…which I consider a win.

My favorite was “human bowling” which you can also see in the video above. It was epic watching these guys get pulled up and back and then crash into the bowling pins. LOL!

Without a doubt Noah and Jaxten’s favorite game was the “human football game” they had set up. The kids kept playing and didn’t want to leave.

We had a blast and I basically had to drag our boys out of there! If the NERF Challenge happens to come to your town, I highly suggest checking it out. There was age appropriate activities for all of our kids (even our three year old) and like I said, the one price gets you everything is for sure a win!

Are your kids NERF fans like our boys? Leave a comment and let me know!
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