Categories: Family

Noah Celebrates His Great Aunt’s 80th Birthday!

I love the fact that Noah not only has such a loving and supporting family, but that he has been able to meet several of his extended family members.

Last year he got a chance to meet his great-grandmother, and today he had a chance to celebrate his great aunt’s 80th birthday!

As you can see in the pictures there’s a lot of love in this family!

Has your child gotten a chance to meet some of their extended family? 

Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.

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  • Little Man met much of his extended family on my side when he was four days old. Of course, it wasn't the best circumstances as it was at my grandmother's funeral. ::sigh:: Since then, he has seen his great-great uncle and great-great aunt (said grandmother's brother and sister-in-law), one of my second cousins and her family (one of said grandmother's nieces, her husband, and their youngest son), and he's met my step-grandma a few times (my dad's stepmom). On my husband's side, he's met his great-uncle, great-aunt, their kids, and their grandkids, his great-grandma (only once or twice though, before she moved across the country), and a couple of my husband's second cousins and their kids and grandkids.

    There are parts of the family that he will see quite often and other parts he's never met (and if things keep going the way they are, he never will). ::sigh::

  • Great birthday, great memories. Enjoyed having my family all around me and little Noah is such a precious gift from God! Thank you all for making my 80th birthday, the best birthday ever.

  • Hi Rick, Trying to figure out how to reach you. We have a holiday film called "The Child King" staring a young man with Down syndrome. I would love to talk to you about affiliating your site with ours. Each sale of a movie would provide your site or organization with 25 percent of the sale and you do nothing other than help get the word out about the movie by linking us. We do all the rest. The movie is endorsed by Best Buddies and Special Olympics just to name two of many. It was awarded Best Family Picture by Kid's First and has sold in every US state and 7 other countries. We have made a number of grants in our few years to include movie seating for a housing facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities to the web site DSIAM, that assists individuals with intellectual disabilities looking for work in the ARTS to "The Friendship Home" which provides room and board for those being cared for in order that their caretakers may have a few days to travel or tend to other responsibilities without fear of neglecting those they love… If this interests you or any readers please see the following attachment or contact me at

    “The Child King” (, a movie lauded by the Special Olympics and Best Buddies International, is the inspirational Christmas tale of two brothers who embark on a life-changing quest to find Santa Claus at the North Pole. The film stars Peter Johnson, a young man from Massachusetts, who made cinema history as one of the few actors with Down syndrome to play a leading role in a feature motion picture.

    All proceeds from the sale of “The Child King” DVD and related merchandise support the Child King Foundation, a non-profit that offers funding to those who advocate for the intellectually disabled. Already, thousands of dollars in grants have been awarded thanks to generous word-of-mouth within the Down syndrome community.

    And now your group or organization can also benefit from the purchase of our little holiday movie. By signing up for The Child King Foundation’s affiliate program, any sale made through your website earns cash back; 25% of the total price for 501(c)(3) non-profits and 10% for everyone else. That’s our way of saying “thanks” for spreading the word about “The Child King”, and to assist your own efforts at educating and informing others about Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities.

    We sincerely hope you will support the work of The Child King Foundation, and give a boost to your own worthy cause, by becoming an affiliate partner at Thanks so much for your time, and all the best to you and yours this holiday season.

    Jeff Kerr, President
    The Child King Foundation


Published by
Rick Smith

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