He's trying to get this whole grasp thing down!
Today Noah got to visit his pediatrician, whom we love. She’s so encouraging. She gets excited when she sees Noah and shows him off. She also takes time to listen to us, because even though I too am a pediatrician, I still have questions. There are no words to express how much we appreciate her and what she does for our son.
Pretty sure Noah’s daddy is a bigger baby when it comes to flu shots.
Noah received his first flu shot today. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that the flu shot gives you the flu. I thought I would give you MY reasons why I think the flu shot is important and some myths about the flu shot. I know you all have your own reasons about why or why you don’t get the flu shot. My goal as a doctor is that you have accurate information when making these decisions, but realizing that it is YOUR decision.
The flu is nothing to monkey around with!
As with everything involving a medical decision you should consult with your own doctor and not just listen to me. There are things that will change what type of flu shot you get, what office you are sitting in when you get it, and if you should even get it at all.
The flu mist should not be given to those less than 2, people over 50, those whose immune system is not up to par either due to illness or medication, ASTHMA, or any wheezing prior to age 5, chronic heart or lung disease, diabetes, kidney failure, children/adolescents receiving aspirin, pregnant women, egg allergy, and those with a history of Guillain-Barre (a condition where you become temporally paralyzed from the legs up). So in other words the flu mist should only be given to healthy individuals age 2-49 (that means no chronic illnesses).
The reason behind all those warnings is that the flu mist IS a live virus and there is a chance you can get sick from the vaccine. However, it actually has been shown to work better than the shot, so if it is an option go for it. It also does not contain any thimerosal so for those of you concerned about that it is a great option.
Yes the flu vaccine is created by using chicken eggs. So if you have an egg allergy there is a chance you may react to the flu shot. However, you can go to your allergist and they will do a skin test to see if you will react to the vaccine. If there is no response, you are good to go to get the shot. It is actually more common to not react even with an egg allergy. If there is a response, you and your doctor have to discuss if the benefit outweighs the risk. Allergic reactions can be treated so even with a reaction you can get the flu shot.
If you have had a severe allergic reaction, a serious reaction, or if you have ever had Guillain-Barre (temporary paralysis that moves from the feet up) you should have a lengthy discussion with your doctor if you desire the flu shot again. My best guess is that no one would be interested in the flu shot again after those types of reactions.
I did not write this post to argue about mercury or the causes of Autism. It is a never ending argument and one that I feel has greatly effected the protection of our children. In all honesty I probably shouldn’t have gotten myself started as I get fired up about this topic. Single dose vaccines (meaning they only use one vial per child and don’t stick it back in the fridge) do not contain thimerosal. Those vials that do have multi-doses use thimerosal as a preservative. In 1999 there was a decision to remove thimerosal from all vaccines despite their being any evidence that it actually causes problems. For children under 6 the only chance at exposure is with the multi-dose flu vaccine.
There has been no evidence to show that thimerosal or mercury for that matter is associated with causing Autism.
If you guys want more information the expert on vaccines in my opinion is Paul Offit, MD, and I recommend you at least read his standpoint by either what is provided on the internet or in his books before you finalize your decision on vaccines. As for my experience, I have never in my career as a medical doctor seen a case of H. Flu (Hib), measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), Polio (IPV), or tetanus. I have seen maybe 5 cases of Chicken Pox which were all mild. I was hospitalized myself at 6 months of age due to Chicken Pox and a staph infection. Those who have trained me have seen all of these diseases and watched children have brain damage, become crippled and die because of them. The fact that I have not treated one child with these conditions is a MIRACLE in my opinion. I have watched children die from pertussis and the flu, both which can be prevented with vaccination. It is something I hope no parent has to experience.
Noah Has To Go Back For One More
When your child gets the flu shot for the first time they usually have to get two. Noah will be going back in one month to get his second flu shot to be fully covered.
Our day continued after our visit to our primary care physician (PCP). We went to therapy, where Noah continued to act like a rock star despite having to get shots earlier in the day. By the way, you’ll notice the toy Noah’s physical therapist is using in this video was also featured on our best gift ideas post….this is seriously one of the best toys you can can buy under 10 dollars!
Decisions, decisions….
We also did some advances in his feeding. We have been using pureed fruits or vegetables for the last few months and today we thought we would try meats. They don’t smell nearly as good. I haven’t mastered the art of pureeing meats so I am using store bought versions. I have heard that a lot of kids aren’t fans (I really can’t blame them based on the smell), but Noah seemed to not mind. He gobbled it down just as he usually does.
He’s trying to get this whole grasp thing down!
We also thought we would try some Gerber Baby Puffs
He’s not to sure about the puffs yet!
We sure packed a lot into this day. 🙂
Do you have a memorable day of how many things you were actually able to accomplish? I am always impressed at what some families are capable of doing ☺
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View Comments
I guess no one likes getting shots.... and we don't want to comment on the memory.... but "in to each life a little rain must fall" so to speak..... Warren is so very good when he needs a shot.... I was not that brave.... xxooxx
I don't like getting shots either...as you saw in the video. :)
How old is Warren by the way?
You big sissy! I hope Noah wasn't watching you. :)
Fairly certain last year he shed a tear :)
Dude, me and needles don't mix. Ouch!
No shame here. :)
Kudos to you for putting out accurate information about vaccinations. it is a personal soap box of mine, particularly around the issue of risking the health of those who are too vulnerable to be vaccinated. Every mother who vaccinates gets a gold star in my book!
Our pediatrician vaccinated my entire family for flu and pertussis when Noah was born :) I think it is great when people are willing to look out for others.
My pediatrician talked me into getting flu shots for my kids when they were little, I got them too. And we got sicker and sicker. Now I have teenagers with weak immune systems and allergies my husband and I do not have. No more vaccination for my kids. I let the doctors hurt them enough :(. Time to take back their health by giving them good food and not filling them with poison!
I love reading about Noah and your family. I have been looking at vaccines recently and I was wondering about Thimerosal. You said that they decided to take it out of all vaccines. When I looked up the ingredients on the CDC webpage it is still listed in all of the flu shots.
Also how concerned should I be that there are other ingredients that seem dangerous like formaldehyde? Thanks for your knowledge and sharing it with us.
PS Noah has AMAZING eyes--what a wonderful shade of blue.
Shots are no fun. My youngest got her shots today, and she was not happy about it. She forgot about it quickly though and was happy as can be the rest of the day.
Since Noah is still working on grasping, you might want to see if your local store sells Baby Mum Mum. They are larger in size, so he might be able to pick the whole thing up and nibble on it. We started getting these for our youngest and she really liked them. At first we had to break it into pieces just so she wouldn't try to eat the whole thing in one shot, so you might need to try that out too. Anyway, just thought I'd mention these if you haven't seen them.
I'm so glad I found your blog...I love reading (and looking at the pics) about adorable baby Noah.
Oh that post is coming. Figuring out what to feed your child based on their grasp changed our life. I wish you had been around when this video was actually recorded, I don't know if you have noticed, but the date of this day is actually in Sept. We are behind (a lot behind) on our posts. We keep having major events happen in our life that throw us back a bit. We have all the videos so they are coming. Hopefully you keep coming back.
Corbin (4 months) takes his vax like a champ. However, I've always been against getting the flu shot because I've only had the flu 3 times in my 28 years. This post makes me reconsider that a bit - maybe the little guy makes a good reason.
:) I will just leave it at that.
My little boy has his flu shot every season and he takes his shot in the arm like a real man! He does not cry but just has a huge grin on his face every time. I also line up for mine as I am his main carer.It is peace of mind to protect him as he has other health issues to deal with, and he does not need the flu on top!
I am so proud of you for considering others as your reason to get the flu shot. Not many make that connection :)
Harry had his flu jabs for the first time in October. He was a star! He didn't even bat an eyelid when he had it. In fact his brother started crying incase they hurt Harry! I think Harry is really used to having needles now as he has had so many in the last year.
That is so sweet!!!
I get a flu shot every year for two reasons. As an asthmatic I don't need to get the flu and end up in the hospital (happened once...never again). I'm also a medic so I don't want to get the flu from any of my patients! Thanks for the information Noah's Mom!
It is my pleasure. People think the flu is no big deal, but some people get really sick and it is scary. Way to protect yourself!!
Oops...didn't notice the video date. :) now that I've found this blog, I'll definitely keep coming back. Noah is too adorable to not want to come back and read about.
Thanks. We're just a **little** bit behind on our daily videos, but we are trying to get caught up.
Thanks for staying with us. We look forward to learning ore about your story as well. :)
Thanks for this post. I really appreciate you taking the time to write it. Lots of our friends are very outspoken opponents of vaccines and sometimes it's hard to know what is the right decision. We've decided to vax our son with DS who is 7 months old. So far, he's gotten it all, but has gotten a bit behind due to sickness/colds. I just don't like the tsk tsking from our friends that we're doing something wrong. It's annoying, but we're going with what we feel is right! It is nice to hear from another family who believes it's ok, too.
I can give you a arsenal of responses if you want :) not that they will believe you since I use medical research which they think is bogus. You have to do what YOU think is right not what someone else does. It is YOUR child and in my opinion you could be saving his life :) Go Mom!!