We had a great time tonight at the Dallas Arboretum celebrating the completion of my wife’s residency. (Although the celebration banquet was tonight, she doesn’t officially finish until next month.) As you can see in the video, Noah is quite the ladies man! He had fun tonight with all the music, lights, dancing! Who wouldn’t. 🙂
My wife is seriously one of the most hard working, dedicated people I’ve ever meet. I watched her work hard all the way through her undergraduate work at Baylor University. Then I stood in awe as I watched her go through four years of medical school at UTMB. And finally, tonight, I watched her get recognized for finishing what very few people could – residency.

Congratulations to my wife!
Unless you are a Doctor, married to a doctor, or have someone in your family who is a doctor, you can’t comprehend how difficult it is to become a one. Don’t let Scrubs, or Grey’s Anatomy fool you, it’s hard. Very hard.
Over the last three years while my wife went through residency, I’ve seen her do things I didn’t even know were humanly possible. She worked days. She worked nights. She worked over nights. She worked multiple days. She worked for weeks in a row. She sacrificed….. I could fill this page up with the number of incredible things I saw her do.

He makes this look good!
There countless other things that amaze me when it comes to my wife. For instance; she is a wonderful mom to Noah. She cares, for her patients. She stays close to God. She prays for her patients. She never complains. I mean seriously. She is always so positive – I love it! She makes wonderful meals. She is my best friend in the whole, wide, world. She always thinks the best of me. She never gives up on me. She is seriously the best. I have no words to explain how much I love my wife.
She is also the best doctor I’ve ever seen. If you ever find yourself having to bring your child to Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, you’re in very, very good hands.
I’m so thankful for my family, I couldn’t dream up a better one if I tried.
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I am thankful to be a small part of your story Rick. Hope to see your face someday. BTW I will be flying into Dallas on my way to Oklahoma at the end of next month. Maybe we could grab some lunch or something during my layover.
Thanks so much for always being so encouraging! I really appreciate that.
And, I’d love to grab lunch when you are coming through town!
Big pimpin’
Hahahahah. I didn’t know you had that in you!