The Awesome Post On What Adults Can Learn From Childlike Wonder That Will Never Be

I spent almost an hour tonight writing a really great post to go with today’s video (at least I thought it was good!)  It talked about how much we adults have to learn from our children….how they can help us regain our must needed sense of wonder, and curiosity…and why it’s so important for us [Read More…]…

He Makes Physical Therapy Look Like (Very Cute) Child Play!

As I was putting together today’s video and thinking about what I was going to write about it, I decided I would just let the video speak for itself.  We’ve written about the benefits of treadmill therapy for children born with Down syndrome, some of the best characteristics to look for when choosing a physical [Read More…]…

Moving Day: (or) The Story Of The Never-Ending Move

Yesterday we picked up the keys to our new house, and today was the big move.  Actually it was more like one of the big moves.  Let me explain…. The Never-Ending Move We’ve lived in a two bedroom apartment for the last 3 and a half years while my wife completed her medical residency, and [Read More…]…

Good Bye Apartment Living, Hello First Home!

I’m excited to announce that today the Smith family said good bye to upstairs neighbors that apparently enjoy jumping rope with techno music blasting in the background at 2 in the morning; to having to play real life Tetris on a daily basis with our furniture in order to fit it all in, and sadly….to maintenance men [Read More…]…

Noah’s Helping Spread Down Syndrome Awareness On HLN Prime News With Vinnie Politan

Last Friday we had the opportunity to appear on HLN Prime News with Vinnie Politan to discuss the Target ad, Noah’s story, and the reason behind our blog. You can catch a small piece of  our interview above, and read their web article at: Dad with Down syndrome son: Doesn’t feel sorry.  (I didn’t have a [Read More…]…