I'm Thankful Our Son Was "Just" Born With Down Syndrome; Here's Why

While it’s true that every Thanksgiving brings with it much to be thankful for, this year’s Thanksgiving (our son’s first) was perhaps our families most thankful Thanksgiving yet. (Whew….try trying that 7 times real fast!) This year our family has something to be thankful for that less than a year ago we would have never [Read More…]…

Why I’m Thankful Our Son Was “Just” Born With Down Syndrome

While it’s true that every Thanksgiving brings with it much to be thankful for, this year’s Thanksgiving (our son’s first) was perhaps our families most thankful Thanksgiving yet. (Whew….try trying that 7 times real fast!) This year our family has something to be thankful for that less than a year ago we would have never imagined it even being [Read More…]…

What’s Your Family’s Fun Summer Plans?

Well parents summer is officially upon here! As you can see our little boy is already in full swing summer mode, and trying to build the world’s most awesome sandcastle. After taking Noah to a small man made beach last summer and seeing how much he enjoyed playing in the sand we were excited for him to experience a [Read More…]…

Caption Please.

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Our Son, The Energizer Bunny.

After another jam packed day of treadmill training, seeing a therapy dog, playing with toys, and drinking lots of ice cold milk (on his own!) you’d think our little man would be ready for a good night’s sleep. Not by a long shot. As you can see in today’s video, our little boy is sort of like the [Read More…]…