You may notice that Noah is sitting, rolling, stretching, and grabbing rubber exercise balls in the majority of his therapy sessions. Today he got to play on a giant, textured rubber peanut exercise ball. They come in a lot of sizes and a few different shapes. I am fairly certain we have tried them all. So,what’s the [Read More…]…
Early Childhood Intervention Services You May Not Know About
Another day another therapy session. Isn’t it weird how this is just a normal part of your life? I remember when we came home from the hospital I cried. It was not the coming home I had envisioned. One of the reasons I was so sad was that I knew with Noah coming home it [Read More…]…
1 Major Goal Of Physical Therapy For Children Born Down Syndrome
If you’re a parent of a child born with Down syndrome chances are you’ve been to so many physical therapy (and occupational therapy, and speech therapy!) appointments you feel like you could be a physical therapist yourself! Just trying to remember when the appointments are can be a job itself, and then there all are [Read More…]…
Sitting, Sitting and More Sitting
We work on sitting every time we go to our physical therapy sessions. Noah has hit new sitting records, has found great assistants such as sand and toys, and has knocked his head more than once. Do you ever ask youself if all this practice really helps? Is it worth it? Practice Makes Perfect I [Read More…]…
Why You Should Look At Your Baby’s Muscles
Our occupational and physical therapists sometimes want Noah to show off his muscles so they can see which ones he is engaging. Noah compensates with the wrong muscles to do certain activities, especially whe he is tired. Our occupational therapist is able to help Noah use the right muscles when she visualizes what is going on. You [Read More…]…