Why A Straw Cup Is Better Than a Sippy Cup or Bottle for Oral Motor Development

[tentblogger-vimeo 26904114] Poor Noah has to deal with a pediatrician as a mom. That means that he didn't get fun… Read More

13 years ago

A Little Blessing of Down Syndrome

[tentblogger-vimeo 26809154] “They grow up so fast.” You've heard every parent say that.  Granted, Noah is growing up fast but… Read More

13 years ago

I Love This View

I love this little guy so much! Being a dad sure is great...! God is way, way to gracious. Read More

13 years ago

Characteristics of Down Syndrome: Physical Features, Traits, & Markers

[This is part five of our "New Parent Guide To Down Syndrome" series. Be sure to check out the other… Read More

13 years ago

Noah’s Abs Are Stronger Than His Mom’s

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiYEXvwtlkU A funny thing happened when I had Noah. My abdomen, which was not all that impressive to start, became… Read More

13 years ago