Archives for 2011

Our Baby, Sleeping Like A Baby

As much fun as I have have creating these daily one minute videos of our son, I have to admit it’s not always easy. My goal is to record, and post, a video every single day. But sometimes the day just simply runs out before I get a chance to even record the video (much [Read More…]…

Noah Sleeps Through Our Stroll Through The Genetic Memory Lane

I wanted to take my problogger friend on a mini-tour of the hospital where my wife works (she’s an emergency room pediatrician) before he headed back home to Atlanta (on a 5 am flight!) the following morning. By the time we made it to the hospital, Noah had fallen to sleep.  Rather then wake him, John (the [Read More…]…

Noah Likes His New Rody Exercise Horse

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Noah Drinks From A Straw For The First Time

My good friend John, who’s from Atlanta, has been staying with us this week while he takes a class at Dallas Seminaryd.  One unique thing about John is what he does for a living.  He’s a professional blogger. Yelp…a professional blogger. I know many of you have blogs of your own.  If you want to [Read More…]…

Blood Tests Performed For Newborns With Down Syndrome

[This post is a part of the “New Parent Guide To Down Syndrome” blog series. Be sure to check out the other posts!] Labs For Children Born With Down Syndrome There will be a lot going on behind the scenes for your newborn that you may  not realize.  When your baby is away from you, they [Read More…]…