Down Syndrome Doesn’t Stop Ryan Pittman From Changing The World!

I came across this amazing video tonight about a young man named Ryan Pittman who is literally changing the world!

Ryan was born with Down syndrome and for years had a desire to travel to Peru with his church, Fellowship Bible Church in Nashville and share with them the amazing things God had done in his life.  When he graduated high school that dream became a reality.  I’ll let you watch the video for yourself, but let me just say ahead of time; this video blessed me tremendously!

As a parent of a child born with Down syndrome myself, seeing Ryan’s story brought me great hope about Noah’s future.  I’ll let you in on a little secret.  I have two big prayer requests for Noah.  Two prayer requests that I  pray for over and over and over for my son.  Here they are:

  1. That Noah would come to have a relationship with the Lord at an early age.
  2. That God would use Noah’s life to impact and change the world for His (God’s) sake.

I sometimes worry about Noah’s future (as all parents do for their children).  I sometimes, in the back of my mind, wonder to what extent Noah’s disability (I really dislike that word by the way.  If you know Noah, or anyone else born with Down syndrome, than you know that they are far from dis-abled) is going to keep him from accomplishing the goals he will surely have for his life.

But then it happens.  Out of the blue.  When I least expect it.  Bam!

Tonight God used this video, and Ryan Pittman’s testimony, to keep my vision in focus.  Focused on truth.  Focused on the fact that He (God) still holds the whole world in His hands.  Focused on the fact that He is in control.  Focused on the fact that He does what He wants, with who He wants, when He wants.

Today is Noah’s 1 year birthday, and I can honestly say this has been the best year of my entire life.  This time last year I would have never imagined that God would be using my little boy to impact lives all over the world with the simple fact that Down syndrome is ok!  I’m so blessed to be this little boy’s daddy.

To Ryan Pittman and his family: Thank you!  I hope to meet you guys one day.  The fact that today is Noah’s birthday makes this video, and Ryan’s testimony, even more special to me.  I pray that God would allow my wife and I to be the sort of  loving parents to Noah that you guys are to Ryan.  And also that God would continue to use my son to impact the world (just like your son!)

To everyone else: If you didn’t watch the video, please take five minutes and watch it, then take a second to click the like button to the left.  Share it on Facebook.  Tweet it on twitter.  Let’s share this awesome story!

Now take a second to leave a comment below and tell me what was going through your mind (and heart) as you watched it.  I look forward to hearing your responses!

About Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.


  1. This was a very touching and encouraging video.

    Happy birthday, Noah!

  2. What a wonderful and moving video! Definitely going to share this one on Facebook!

    • Thanks Lisa, every time somewhere shares it on twitter, hits the like button, emails it to friends, shares on their facebook wall, etc…it helps us spread the word that Down syndrome is ok!

      So thank you very much! 🙂

  3. That is an awesome video and story about Ryan. And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Noah! He rocks! And so do his mommy and daddy!

  4. Rick-as I watched it, I thought of Noah and other Down Syndrome children in my life and what their journey with Him will be.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. That brought tears to my eyes. I was so moving and powerful. I hope we can all grow up someday to be like Ryan! Thank you for posting!

  6. Thank you for sharing this beautiful and inspirational video, I have so much hope in my heart. Happy 1st Birthday Noah, you’re a lucky little guy!


  8. loved the video, brought us to tears!

    • Happy Birthday Noah. Our son Luke just turned two on Dec.12th! Wow. The video is just so touching and tears of joy brought to my eyes. What a powerful & moving testimony! Luke was dedicated on his 1st birthday & I hope in his time he will chose to be baptized in the future : )

      • @Brenda Thanks so much for the birthday wishes! I bet you guys had a great the on his 2nd birthday!

        So awesome that he was dedicated as well!

        I just prayed for Luke and that he would come to know God, and be used be Him to impact the world! I also prayed for your family. You guys sound like a great one.

        How did you find out about our website?

    • Thanks Cindy, God is so good. I love sharing stories like this!

  9. Sylvia Caruso says

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOAH!!! You are awesome…

  10. Thank You for sharing this video, my baby was born with Down Syndrome on December 29, 2010, it has been a difficult year in the hospitals, but I have learned more from him than from anyone else in my life. I really enjoy this page because it helps me understand that there´s a world full of surprises and happiness around these babies.

  11. From the Pittman Family: Thank you for sharing Ryan’s Story and happy birthday Noah! You can read more about my little brother on his blog

    • @Brent –

      Thanks so much for coming by our site! What an honor! Your brother (and your family) really blessed me (and many others). Thanks for helping us show the world that Down syndrome is ok!

      By the way, tell your dad that his insights are great! He and I sound A LOT alike! 🙂

  12. Those are the same prayers we have for our son as well! Thank you for sharing. What a blessing!

  13. Sharon Green says

    This video is amazing. I have a 2 year old with DS and he has brought more joy and happiness to my life. I feel so blessed to be given this gift from God.

  14. Suzy Chikders says

    Our 6th grade Sunday school class at First United Methodist Church if Lufkin, Texas watched this video this week. How appropriate for teaching the message that Gid created us in His image. Thanks, Ryan!

  15. Janice Brown says

    When our son, Michael, was born almost 45 years ago, we were told to put him in a home and forget we had ever had him. We were told he wouldn’t live to be 3 years old, would never talk, never go to school, and many other things. I told the doctors to forget it. He was and is our son and God gave him to us for a reason. Over the years, Michael has done 95% of all the things they said he would never do. He loves cooking dinner in the crockpot and does a really good job. He also does his own laundry and cleans his own room – not because I make him but because he WANTS to. He is a true blessing.

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