(Please note: We were provided gift cards and compensation from Pottery Barn Kids for this review, and the links in this post are affiliate links. However, we are still all about the fun of Halloween in our house so please keep reading.)

Halloween season is upon us! (Although it doesn’t feel like here in Texas.) Our kids are fans of Halloween. The combination of wearing fun costumes, knocking on strangers doors, and coming home with mounds of candy is the trifecta of holidays for our kids! (Fun fact: Noah actually doesn’t like candy. Like at all. He likes going to the door and saying “trick or treat” but then he just gives all the candy to his brother. What a win for our other kids!)
This year we actually got our Halloween costumes a little earlier than normal (any other last minute shoppers our there?) and our boys had some fun trying them on (well, most of them.) 🙂
We have rocked Pottery Barn Kids bedding in the past, but this was our first year to get Halloween costumes from them. They have lots of costumes options to choose from including options for babies, toddlers and kids. In fact, some of their costumes (which you’ll see below) even light up or glow in the dark!
This year we matched up Noah and Koen in a space theme. Noah thought his astronaut costume was awesome, but Koen wasn’t 100% sure about his rocket costume (but we thought it was super cute, and I assume that will change once we go out and about in the neighbored and he starts getting C-A-N-D-Y! 🙂

It would have been awesome if Pottery Barn Kids had a moon outfit (maybe next year?) to go with this space theme, but since they didn’t, Jaxten is rocking a skeleton outfit this year (which also glows in the dark), and he is hoping it results in lots of candy (which I assume it will!)

As I mentioned above, some of the costumes you’ll find on the Pottery Barn Kids website light up, like the rockets on the back of Noah’s costume! Isn’t this cool?!

We’re ready for Halloween (and the cooler temps in Texas!) If you haven’t had a chance to pick up your children’s Halloween outfits yet, I’d encourage to check them out. They have a super fun election, and you’ve still got plenty of time to pick them up with their quick shipping.

What are your kids going for as Halloween this year? Leave a comment and let us know!
Thank you for Noah’s Dad website. We have a grandson Everett who has
Downs and is a joy to us all. We are concerned because he is almost 6 years
old and does not talk or do many signs. Do you have any suggestions that
might help him and his family?
I love the Halloween post. The outfits are soooo cute. I love Halloween
and always try to make it fun and remind my family that it is all Hallow
eve and the night before All Saints day. We love the dressing up and
visiting neighbors and I love having the neighbor kids come to our door
and see them in their outfits.
Thanks again for all your posts.
Sue Dressel
Keep up with the signing and be patient. Be sure to check his hearing and his vision, of course. My son was pretty non-verbal at age 6–had a few words but not a ton! In fact he used to mimic the cat and beg for food when I was cooking by sitting at my feet and meowing! Language continued to develop and now (age 31) he does talk quite a bit, though it is BY FAR the most severe of his symptoms. He is no down syndrome superstar like the kids you see on videos. But he works at a group employment center, (hooray for options!) skies with Special Olympics, and is an active guy. So, celebrate what your grandson can do and bear in mind that the range of functioning is very very wide in DS (that is, from folks who are non-verbal even as adults and will need supervised care all of their lives up to those who can support themselves and live almost independently.)
So adorable. Halloween is big in home as well. It’s my 3 year olds favorite time of year. This year he chose Jack Skeleton (Nightmare before Christmas) for his costume. Happy Halloween when I gets here.
We do not have Hallowin. We are jews. We celebrate Purim on Mars 🙂