Categories: Family

Noah’s First Visit To In-N-Out Burger

Only in America would a popular fast food chain coming to your town make front page news, but that’s exactly what happened when California based In-N-Out Burger announced they were bringing their popular west-coast burger joints to the Dallas area.  One of their new locations opened up about ten minutes from our house last week, so we decided to head over and see how long the wait was.  The traffic for the drive through circled around the building and on to the exit lane of the highway!  However, despite the popularity of their drive through, the wait to eat inside was only about ten minutes, so that’s what we did!

No In-N-Our burger for this guy! 🙁

My wife and I are first time parents, so we are learning new things about parenthood every day.  For instance, today I learned that pushing a stroller thorough a crowded dining room is fun.  (Not!)  By the way, being a parent has opened my eyes to all kinds of architectural fails…..such as the lack of elevators and stroller (wheelchair) ramps at malls!  Ugggg….!  But I digress.

This is what I call a burger!

We hung out at In-N-Out burger for a while enjoying our delicious burger and fries…..and thinking about how many hours on the elliptical machine it’s going to take to work this lunch off!  After lunch we took Noah swimming at Baylor Tom Landry Fitness Center, which by the way, he really enjoys!  This was one of Saturdays I really enjoy.  The schedule was empty.  My wife and I were both off from work.  We got to hang out.  Rest.  Play. Eat.  Swim. (and cuddle with our little Noah.)  The weeks are so busy with work, various therapy appointments, school, and other projects we have going on, so weekends like this are much appreciated when they come along!

We also found out that next weekend we get to hangout with our friends, the Skaggs!  They have a three-year old who was born with Down Syndrome, two other awesome little kid-o’s, and are just a blast to hang out with!  So we’re excited to hang out, and (hopefully) watch some fireworks with the Skaggs crew next weekend!  I’m certain some good videos, and pictures will come out of it! 🙂


Time to go hit the gym!


Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.

View Comments

  • Ohhhh SO jealous!!! We are from California and In-N-Out is the number one food place we miss!! It is TOTALLY worth those calories you acquired! Be sure to learn the hidden menu! You can order your burger (and fries if you'd like) "animal style" which is my favorite! Order your fries "well done" for extra crispy! You can get a neopolitan shake and OH so much more!!! They'll never advertise any of this, you just have to be "in the know". Their menu may LOOK simple, but it's really SO complex! hahaha

    ANYWAY!!! Noah is simply adorable!!! I love his eyes! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I will be sure to add you to my blog roll and my google reader! Nice to "meet" you! :)
    Renee (The Special Ks Mom)

  • 1- OMgoodness I want an In and Out to come out to Colorado so bad! Of course that would be bad for me and then there'd be no reason left to go to Vegas lol!

    2-Noah has absolutely beautiful eyes!!

    3-How has it gone fitting in all the physical therapy with you both working? I'm worried I have lost my chance to have a career because I'll need to spend so much time doing the therapy type stuff.

Published by
Rick Smith

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