Last week’s in Noah’s class his teachers wrote out a dream they had for each student. As you can see below their dream for Noah is that he would continue and learn. In other words, that he would never give up, and would keep moving forward in life.
Pretty good coloring job, huh?
My wife and I both thought that was a kind gesture on their part and we’re thankful for the role they play in his life. It also made me think about some of the dreams that I have for Noah, and for every person on this planet with Down syndrome.
One of the first “dreams” in Dr. King’s famous speech is
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
My wife and I think Dr. King certainly would have included people with special needs in his dream, and we appreciate all of the work he did to promote equality for all people. Since today is Martin Luther King Jr day I wanted to share a few of the dreams I have for my son (and others like him.)
I Have A Dream For Everyone Like My Son
I have a dream that our world would come to value all human life. From the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.
I have a dream that all babies known to have Down syndrome in the womb will be brought to full term. That all Doctors, everywhere, will deliver a Down syndrome diagnosis the right way.
I have a dream that mommies and daddies everywhere will let truth trump fear and give their little children the right to life that they all deserve.
I have a dream that all educators will do all they can to help children with Down syndrome grow, develop, and reach their full potential. That they will take time to listen to parents, and explain any concerns they have. That they will understand the unique ability of every child, realizing that they want to be included, loved, and encouraged just like any other.
I have a dream that as a child with Down syndrome grows into his teenage years that they will grow up being accepted and invited in by their peers. That they wouldn’t be looked at as someone who is “different” but accepted as someone who is unique, like every other people on the planet.
I have a dream that as a teenager with Down syndrome grows into his adult years they will be given responsibilities and allowed them to make meaningful contributions to their families, churches, communities, and jobs. That people would’t stare at them or be afraid of because of what they don’t know, but that they would ask questions and get to know them. That they would make and develop friendships and be welcomed by others.
I have a dream that people wouldn’t like at people with Down syndrome and think about all the things they think they can’t do. Instead they would look at them and understand the sky’s the limit for them, and parents (like my wife and I) find great hope in that.
I have a dream that medical research would continue to grow and that we would find cures for diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and congenital heart defects.
I have a dream that our society would value ever person on this planet, not because of what they look like or what sort of contribution they can make, but simply because they are a human being.
Most of all I have a dream that every person with Down syndrome would come to know and understand that they were fearfully and wonderfully made in the very image of God, and that God has a plan and purpose for their life. They are loved by the King of Kings. And my dream (and prayer) is that they would come to know the God who created them through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
This is my dream and my prayer, what dreams do you have for your child? Leave it in the comments below – And feel free to use the social media buttons at the top of this post to share it as you’d like.
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View Comments
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I appreciated everything you said, from the depths of my heart, most especially your last paragraph. My son and his dear wife never ever considered that their precious daughter - who just turned two last week - was anything but a gift and a blessing from God Himself, chosen because He knew they would be the best parents she could have, and that she would be raised in a strong Christian home, by them and by her extended family who all love her dearly, including her African-American adopted "big brother" (by 2 years) who adores her. I love reading about Noah and his progress, and am so grateful for the time it must take for you to write so often. May God continue to richly bless you and your dear family!
Beautiful! Thank you! Most of all I want our son to know Jesus and be a soul-winner; "he who wins souls is wise." Secondly, I want him to have choices, to work at a job or do an activity/sport/hobby because it interests him, not because it's all he can do.
This brought a tear to my eyes as I have a little boy Alexander that is 17 months old with Down Syndrome... I would like a brighter future for him.... Sometime i just wish people would stop steering at him and just say hello. I just love your blog on noah...
As a person who has worked for 40+ years with persons with disabilities, specifically Deaf/Hard of Hearing persons, I believe it has been my great fortune to know people who are considered "different" by many in society. I was taught that when you meet someone who is different than you that is time for you to open your mind to get to know them as a friend. I have worked with & been friends with people who have Down Syndrome (& many other challenges) for many years & have learned something from all of them. My life has been dedicated to help people help themselves; what a wonderful life I have had! My advice to all parents of children with DS is to love them, treat them with respect, expect them to do their best! The sky is their limit!
I am the Aunt of a very intelligent, sassy,sweet little girl who we love for her uniqueness! She's the light of our lives, and like yourselves we appreciate her uniqueness not pity it.We know she's got a wonderful mommy that was 27 and single when she chose to have her alone,I shouldn't say alone as our sweet Felicity has a big support system with our family! I loved reading your dreams for Noah as we have ALL the same dreams for our Felicity!
Noah's Dad, You are a dream come true for all of us and making a difference! Thank you!
I have a son with down syndrome who is going to be 2 next week. I love him so much cos he is a source of inspiration to me.l appreciate him because nothing seems impossible to him and he doesn't give up easily he imitates his elder bother in all things and he is always happy. My dream for him is to be independent in the future. Let us continue to show them our love. #love children with down syndrome .
Through my tears of gratitude I offer thanks for saying what we all hope and pray will be the reality for Ryan. He is now 8 1/2 and this is a glorious rollercoaster we have been riding. From the surprise of first discovery then acceptance of his diagnosis shortly after birth.....Through the shock, disbelief and everything else he has always be cherished....none of us would change anything about our very special guy though, unfortunately there is a lot about the world he lives in that we work to change.
He is a beloved son, big brother, grandson, nephew, cousin and friend. We love you Ryan and cheer you on your unique Mommy, Daddy, Bapa, Grammy, Nana, Grandpa Jimmy...twin brother and sister who are also your dearest friends and playmates,Aden and Sarah.....Uncles Mike, Rob, Dan.....Aunties Kathleen, Cheryl, Amy, cousins Kenny and Bradd, Shane and Bryce and Liam......former Sunday School friends and other friends from First Lutheran in Brockton and the teachers, aides and specialists of Bridgewater-Raynham schools....especially those from "Mitchell at the Middle".
I would love to see you print and sell this heartfelt tribute to Noah, Ryan and those like them who have brightened our lives with theirs.
I have an 18 month old grandson with Down syndrome and it was shock to all of us when he was born, we were also sad for this baby. Reading everything you write about Noah etc. has given me such hope. We love our little guy with all of our hearts and he is getting every therapy etc. to help him. Thank You for all of your input it truly inspires us and the rest of our family !!