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Noah’s Helping Spread Down Syndrome Awareness On HLN Prime News With Vinnie Politan

Last Friday we had the opportunity to appear on HLN Prime News with Vinnie Politan to discuss the Target ad, Noah’s story, and the reason behind our blog.

Noah's story was the top 6th story on their homepage!

You can catch a small piece of  our interview above, and read their web article at: Dad with Down syndrome son: Doesn’t feel sorry.  (I didn’t have a chance to help the folks over at HLN learn about people first language like I did when we were on FOX LA.)  To be honest this was our least favorite interview out of all the ones we have done. No disrespect to HLN, but the questions we were asked weren’t the ones we were told we would be asked, so we are a little thrown off.  I didn’t feel like the reporter asked very good questions, but maybe that’s just me. 🙂  I’m also not sure what was going on with the audio, but it wasn’t cool. That’s live TV for you. Regardless, I’m thank that HLN asked us to come on their show and share our message that children born with Down syndrome are worth it.

I’m so thankful that so many media outlets are interested in talking about Down syndrome.  I hope and pray it helps the world to see that all children are worthy of life and love.What did you think about this interview, and what do you hope to see come out of all the recent media coverage about Down syndrome?

Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.

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  • Great job!!! I can't tell you the joy I feel with everything you and your family are doing for our children. Keep up the great work. Noah I swear you get sweeter every time I lay my eyes on you.

    • @Lindsay,

      Thanks so much for the kind words. We are trying to make the Down syndrome community proud the best way we can.

      We don't always say everything the way we wish we would, but hopefully in the end we are helping the world see that children born with Down syndrome are worth it! :)

      And yes...we agree. I think Noah get cuter and cuter every day. :)

  • Love the interview!!! Noah is such a cutie!!!, Like your wife Abbie says, all people need to do is ask questions about our kids, what parent
    doesn't want to talk about their kids!!! Thanks for all you are still doing!! From your site I have gotten alot of new friends to share my stories about my daughter Nikki, plus read their stories!! Love all the pictures too!!! Would love to talk to parents with older kids since my daughter is 26.

    • @Pauline,

      That's awesome! It's so cool to see all the community that has been formed through out website and Facebook page. Thanks for your encouraging words!

      And be sure to keep updating us on how your family is doing.

  • Other than the horrible audio quality. I thought the interview went great. Probably would have helped had they asked better questions, but ya know. That's what news people do..

    Great job Noah! You didn't throw up all over your parents!

    • Thanks Brian,

      And yes we agree....the interviewers questions were sort of uhhhhh....

      They weren't really the questions we were told we were join got be ask. Oh well, I can honestly say that the producers and everyone at HLN are very caring and really do have a heart for helping the world see that children like Noah are worth it.

      And yes...we are glad there was no throw up involved. :)

  • Once again, Noah stole the show. Did you and him purposely dress similar? He looked like such a little man! My favorite part besides Noah was what Abby said! She's right, JUST ASK! I love talking about my Enzo as much as any parent loves talking about their child! Well done!

    • Ha,ha..we actually didn't, but that's funny!

      And yes, Abbie rocked it as usual. :)

      Thanks for your kind and encouraging words.

  • Thanks for being a voice for DS. It is really great to see more and more people out there getting the word out about us, and it helps that your boy is like SUPER cute!

    • Thanks so much, I appreciate the kind words. We are doing the best we know to help the world see that Down syndrome is ok. :)

      We hope all of the recent media coverage lately helps to break down barriers for kids like Noah, and helps start conversations that otherwise may have never happened. Thanks for your support.

  • Great job, guys! I keep reading their headline as "Dad with Down syndrome. Son [says]: Don't feel sorry." Definitely an awkward title.

    • Thanks!

      And yah..that headline threw me of a title also. I hope they haven't received to many calls about not using people first language. :)

      The folks are HLN really are great, and have a heart for children like Noah and helping get this message out. We were thankful that allowed us to share some of Noah's story on their show.

      We hope this helps to create some conversations that wouldn't have happened otherwise.

  • Thanks a bunch for getting your message out to so many people, despite the technical obstacles with sound and unexpected topics.
    I love seeing all the snapshots of wonderful kids with Down syndrome on your Facebook page, too!
    It is so much fun keeping up with Noah.
    Rock on!

    • Thanks so much, we really appreciate the kind words. We also appreciate all the great things you are doing as well.

  • i agree with you that wasnt a good interview i dont like that guy or nancy grace they dont ask the right things  but i think yall did a great job with what you were given noah did great too keep up the great work .

Published by
Rick Smith

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