George Clooneys got nothing on this kid!
We’re about to head out to go Trick-Or-Treating with some friends around our neighbored and I wanted to share a quick photo of Noah in his little toddler astronaut outfit. One cool fun fact, NASA actually sent Noah this outfit after we did a post on A Smile As Big As The Moon with a note saying they couldn’t wait for him to come to Space Camp one day!
How cool is that!!!
Besides an Astronaut, Noah has also been a lion, and a tiger!
“Is It Ok To Take My Child Trick-Or-Treating?”
By the way, in case you’re wondering if it’s ok for your kids to participate in Halloween check out the video below from our new podcast Real Truth. Real Quick.
If you’d like our podcast I’d appreciate if you took a second to subscribe in iTunes!
Be A Part Of An Upcoming Blog Post
Be sure to leave a comment below and tell us what your child is dressing up as for Halloween this year. Be sure to leave a picture, and it will be used an upcoming blog post! Feel free to also leave a comment on the video above, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Ryland didn’t care for his costume so we just took pictures and put it away…
here’s another one…
Nick loves a good woopie cushion, this seemed like the perfect costume for him. Happy Halloween! Noah looks so cute and all the costumes posted are wonderful and make me smile 🙂
My little Joseph Clyde Hoelscher. He is 2 1/2 now. Our special angel. We love
your blog and updates on Noah. Joseph is very active, gives big hugs and we can tell he is very curious and is very smart. He is not talking much yet, other than momma, da da, and will wave and say bye bye.
Darcie is our little mermaid this year. She is 20 months old and has mosaic Down syndrome, congenital heart defects and is Deaf. She doesn’t let anything stop her or scare her not even open heart surgery. Her grandma made her this costume.
Cutest kid ever!
Oh my goodness! This is the greatest costume. Her grandma sure is talented, and Darcie is such a beauty!!!
The sweetest butterfly in Bermuda 🙂
Savannah the Strawberry
my Kayden. he’s 6 years old & in loooove with Spongebob.. but his outfit wouldn’t be complete without Spongebob’s pet snail Gary! 🙂
My cute little kitten
My Jimmie is the cutest Mickey Mouse. He is 2 years old and has had 2 open heart surgeries. His sister Juliet is his sidekick Minnie. She absolutely adores her big brother. It is wonderful seeing how much they love each other.
Wilson as Jake!
Corbin is 3 months old and has 3 costumes we love to take pictures of him as he is very photogenic!
Not a kid, I can’t have any. But I’m a speech pathologist and I wore this to work today. My 2-5 year olds loved mixing up my Mr Potato Head pieces and putting them back in the right places again. The preschool I work at is for special needs kids, and I love working with all of my kids! It has been 18 years of love, dedication, and FUN! Today was just plain fun 🙂
We need more special Teachers just like you!
Thank you, Susan!
Lucas the fearless lion has a mighty BIG roar!
Raven is our little Wonder Woman at 17 months old.
Trick or treat
Hi my little mickey mouse kailey she is 14 month hi nohad good custom
My little pirate
Teagan was a cute lil sock monkey! He said thank you for the hole hour we trick or treated! Lol
So adorable
Alfie the pirate
Our Jacob was a pirate parrot with his sister Abby who was a pirate.
One more, not so blurry.
Logan was the cutest little Tin Man who escorted his Mommy “Dorothy” around trick or treating tonight!
“Old Man Johnny”. Age 10
Pierce did NOT like his hat!
This is a great idea! This is Kennedy (11) as Betsy Ross, Kerington (9) as Dorothy, Maddox (7) as Jack Skellington and Sully (2) as the cat in the hat! Happy Halloween to everyone!
Our little bumblebee’s first Hallowe’en.
monster ezra 🙂 and brother and sister
Aylan was a rocket ship… love seeing all of your posts!!!
All the pictures of your beautiful children made Halloween even better than ever! My son, Evan, is 13. He will never be too old for Halloween. He gets so excited. I am one very proud momma! Blessing and hugs to all!
Our Harper was a lion for his first Halloween!
Max really looks up to his uncle Joel, who just so happens to be a pilot (or, as Max says it, “Pirate”, so it can be a bit confusing), so here he is with his ‘little’ sister, princess Libby.
Kam age 2, from Virginia. Sporting his minion costume like a champ! He is the love of our lives and we are so blessed to have him in our lives. He is really happy because we are going trick or treating for M & Ms.
My husband is active duty Coast Guard. Right now he is stationed on a boat so he couldn’t be with us for Halloween. Since daddy couldn’t be here Nathan decided to keep him close. He decided to be daddy for Halloween. I think he is the cutest Coastie ever (next to his dad).
Adorable !! <3
Elizabeth my Princess Sweet Pea.
Elizabeth age 4 Princess Sweet Pea.
All these pics are sooo cute! My Alec was Ace Ventura, Pet Detective! 🙂
G day neither of my kids have Downs, but my son does have ADHD and Aspergers. I love following your posts, Noah is gorgeous!!. Heres a pic of my kids going off to trick or treat at my Mums house in Adelaide Australia 🙂
Ruth is pretty much obesessed with skeletons so this year was an easy choice.
Cora as Wonder Woman
My Madison, who just turned one, dressed up as a ladybug this year.
This is our little ferry with younger brother the lion and of course mommy.
Elsie wasnt a very scary witch with that beaming smile. She wouldnt leave her hat on though cheeky monkey x
Here is our gorgeous 6 month old Henry, all dressed up and ready to play on his first Halloween.
My little LJ is 10 months old and this is his first Halloween. However, getting him dressed in his Dinosaur costume seemed to have worn him out because when taking pictures all he wanted to do was lay on the floor. 10 seconds after we started walking and trick or treating he was asleep.. Happy First Halloween LJ.
Sweet lil dinosaur.
Hello there. This is Gracie. She is my second daughter, and was the green m&m for Halloween! Little cutie pie! And you can’t see her feet, but her tights have little black strap shoes like the green m&m too!
Why is she lying in such a filthy bed? Shocking.
What a cruel reply Lulu, of a super picture. 🙁 If I was Gracie’s mum I would be so sad. 🙁
This is Keyan and he adores Mickey Mouse!! He is 3 years old and really enjoyed signing “candy please— thank you!” Because he can’t say “Trick or Treat!” At least he was using his manners and being polite! He was a hit, everyone loved him!! 🙂
I would LOVE to get a signing Mickey Mouse at my door! Mostly, I’d love to see more kids who said please and thank you. There were quite a few rude children this year 🙁 good for you for teaching Keyan to be a well mannered young man!
Our sweet Jasen was a Red Hot Chili Pepper! He is coming up on 6 months on the 11th. We had, I mean he had a great 1st Halloween!
Hi my name is kailey i am 14 mouth old
This is my little mummy Ryder- he is 2.5 and is doing great! He absolutely has my whole heart 😉
Oh No! Did he scare himself? His expression is priceless 🙂
Here’s our “Princess Kayla” at her Uncle Mike and Aunt Gail’s House!
Here’s Kayla!!
Here is my little Clark Kent! (aka Logan, will be ONE next week!)
Michael was Buzz Lightyear and his dad dressed up as Woody 🙂
My Favorite Martian! And big sister was an astronaut. 🙂
My Favorite Martian! And big sister was an astronaut. 🙂
and the astronaut!
Mario, Princess Peach and Toad!
here’s Jacob !!
So adorable
This is our little Charlise (aka Charlie) who was mamas “purrrfect” lil kitten for her first Halloween! 🙂 Her big sister adores her and had to have a snuggle before trick or treating! Our whole family absolutely loves Halloween!!:)
(Our house gets pretty creepy! Lol)
Charlie is 4 months old now and such a happy little baby boo! She will definitely be heading out in the years to come!:)
Here’s my Big Bad Wolf with his sister, Little Red Riding Hood.
My sister Bianca dressed up as Wicked Dorothy. She is 21 and looooooves Halloween!
This is my amazing son Cameron, he is 13. He loves halloween but not for the candy, he loves it becaude he can meet and talk to tons and tons of people. Mommy loves halloween because I get all his candy. ♥♥♥♥♥ Happu Halloween Noah
This is our awesome son Noah! He had a blast playing with the pumpkins and wearing his silly monster costume. He love following your blog!
My little monkey Kynsee Lynn Wadkins.
This is my 2 year old pirate, Gavin! He had a blast trick or treating this year!
My peanut Clara!!
This is Luke! He is 3 and is my miracle baby! He is in remission from Leukemia.
Here’s my Clark Kent and my very own Super Hero!!
Here’s my CodieBear as SpongeBob.
Kolston as Woody:)
Izzy was Cookie Monster for like 3 seconds (didn’t like the head piece). Then Daddy made her a custom Boo from Monsters Inc costume and finally after 3 alterations – she rocked it.
Wow! Daddy rocks. That’s an amazing Boo costume.
Our superheroes! Little Eva ready to help Big Sis fight some crime.
Pip was a pumpkin & Lochlan was a dragon…Best buds…
Our superheroes! Little Eva is ready to help Big Sis fight some crime.
LOVE everything you share <3 You are an amazing and blessed family. Hello to Noah from our baby Knightly (aka our Dark Knight)!
George (Bink) Glover dressed up as Oz, The Great and Powerful.
Haley was a giraffe. She went with her twin sister and cousins. She was so busy waving abd blowing kisses at everybody she didn’t even notice the candy!
My little Blaisi…the Queen Bee!
Gracie Boo!
Thank you for sharing the video about celebrating Halloween. As a Christian I struggle with celebrating Halloween by handing out candy and letting our children dress up. I do not like scary costumes, movies, anything scary because it upsets me and to me represents things against Christ. I feel better after seeing the video and hearing about being a light. Thanks!
What a cutie!!!
This is Jackson, 3 months old. Rawr. 😉
This is Gavin 3 yrs old rockin Yoda or when he didn’t want to wear the hat he was the cutest Jedi ever.
This is Gavin 3yrs old rockin Yoda or when he didn’t want to wear his hat he was the cutest Jedi ever.
Here is our Chase. He’s dressed like a baseball player because he LOVES to wear daddy’s hat all the time!
This is our beautiful daughter Sophia Grace. She will be 19mths old on Nov.6th.
“Little Red Riding Hood” she was more interested in the leaves & flowers than anything else
Sophia Grace AKA ” Little Red Riding Hood”
This is my 5 year old Jordyn!
This is our KateBug!! She is 22 months old . She is currently in remission with Leukemia . She is the strongest and bravest little girl I have ever met .
Sabra (22 months) was Princess Leia. She unfortunately broke her brother’s blue lightsaber and was forced to use her dad’s.
Logan the firefighter!
What adorable kiddos! Our little Amelia and her big brother and sister dressed up as heart surgeons in honor of her open heart surgery later this month. 🙂
I said “What adorable kiddos!” referring to all the pictures above my comment… I realized after I posted that it looked like I was calling my own children adorable (which they are, but I don’t generally brag about it). 🙂
Brilliant costumes! And you’re right, you have adorable kids 🙂
My son Anthony was Simba from the Lion King. I was the mama lion and my husband was Rifiki 🙂
Here is our Aidan as Scooby Doo! Aidan is 8 years old and currently a 2nd grader. He loves firetrucks, raking leaves, and working in dad’s barn
Trying to get the picture to upload, buy no luck
It’s working! I see your son, he looks like an awesome little boy!
The Lightning Kid rocking a tiger outfit!
So adorable! thanks so much for sharing. How old is your little one?
My baby boy jack 🙂 he is 4 months old.
Here is my 15 month old son, Booker. He is a little cowboy.
Meet Count Lawrence, hi sister the big bad wolf and his little brother the mummy
Meet Count Lawrence, hi sister the big bad wolf and his little brother the mummy – this time with the picture!
Here is my son Trenton, he will be 18 months on Dec. 7th. I love him more and more each day.
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