Categories: Therapy

Exersaucer Vs Jumperoo – Which One Is Best For Your Child?

Exersaucer’s and Jumperoo’s are one of the first things new parents want to buy for their baby. But there’s so many questions. What’s the best exersaucer? Jumperoo versus Exersaucer? Exersaucer or Jumperoo? It’s enough to make your head spin. And as a parent the last thing you need is another thing to stress out about.

I’ve got great news; your online search for information ends here. Take a deep breath, sit back, watch the super cute video above, take a second to check out our son’s story) and take pleasure in the fact that after you read this post you can check “buy an exersaucer (or jumperoo)” off your to do list. 🙂

By the way, be sure to check out the top 10 toys that have really worked out great for our baby. While your there be sure to add any of your child’s favorite toys to the list.

Exersaucer Versus Jumperoo Vs Jumper – Which One Is Best For Your Baby?

Before Noah was born I had no idea there was such a heated debate among parents regarding the use of an exersaucer or jumperoo.  A quick google search will bring up countless pages (and arguments) about the pros and cons of using one or the other.

Wow! Exersaucer or jumperoo? Which one should you buy?

Our son was born with Down syndrome, and my wife and I are strong supporters of early childhood intervention, to help them reach their milestones. Our son gets to spend a lot of time with some of the best physical and occupational therapists in the world. So you better believe when it came time for us to make a decision regarding a jumperoo or exersaucer we picked their brains. I mean why not, their experts when it comes to this sort of stuff!

After talking to the experts about the use of an exersaucer or jumperoo it was clear that an exersaucer was the best option. I’ll list some of the best exersaucers you can buy, and finally tell you which one we bought our son and three reasons why we really like it.

Top 3 Exersaucer’s For Your New Baby

1. Evenflo Splash Mega Exersaucer – This exersaucer by Evenflo gets great review’s from parents, and has lots of fun activities to keep your baby entertained.

The evenflo splash mega exersaucer is a great choice.

2. The Baby Einstein Around The World Discovery Center : This discovery center (another name for exersaucer) by Baby Einstein is another great choice. It’s very colorful, lots of fun items to engage your baby, and very easy to put together; which make it a traffic choice.

The baby einstein exersaucer is sure to keep your little one busy!

3. The Evenflo Triple Fun Exersaucer is a very popular model due to the fact that not only are you purchasing a great exersaucer for your baby, but included in the box is a playmat and activity table. So you get three excellent items for your baby in one convenient package. Talk about a triple win!

The triple fun exersaucer is a triple win!

So which one did we buy for our son? While all three of these exersaucer would suit your babies needs well, we actually went with the Baby Einstein Exersaucer. The model in the video is actually the older model of the one we linked to. In fact Noah gets a ton of use out of it, and it even helped him develop the core strength needed to meet some of his developmental milestones.

3 Reasons Why The Baby Einstein Exersaucer Is Great For A Child With Down Syndrome (or any child!)

1. Supportive Seat: One of the physical characteristics of children born with Down syndrome is low muscle tone (hypotonia.) This is especially true early on as they are working hard on developing their core and learning how to sit up. Oddly enough many developmental toys are designed for typically developing children, and don’t work well for children born with Down syndrome.

It was particularly difficult to find an exersaucer that had a seat capable of providing proper support for his neck and head. And we actually ended up returning another model, before we landed on this one. Thankfully we found the seat in this exersaucer to provide excellent upper body support (for any child.)

2. Sensory Development: After Noah’s first visit to the physical therapist we learned how much he enjoys anything that makes noise and lights up. The louder and brighter the better!  In fact, all children can greatly benefit from the excellent sensory development that bright and loud (and perhaps sometimes annoying) toys provide.

3. Variety of Fun Activities: It addition to the great sensory stimulation mentioned above, this exersaucer has 7 other excellent “stimulation stations” Noah seems to enjoy all of them, and doesn’t get board while he is hard at work playing.

Bonus 4th Reason: Free Babysitter…! 🙂

The exersaucer makes a great babysitter while you are cooking dinner, or need to get a little work done. We keep our exersaucer close to the kitchen, and have found it’s perfect for entertaining Noah for a few minutes while mommy puts something yummy in the oven. We don’t leave Noah in his there more than 20 minutes or so at a time, but for those 15-20 minutes it can be very helpful..

“Being a baby is hard work!”

The Developmental Office

I once heard a mom refer to an exersaucer as their baby’s office, and after watching the way Noah handles his (fun and playful) business in his I can see why! Noah really enjoys hanging out and playing in his developmental office and knows it’s his own little space. It’s so much fun watching him enjoy it.

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So parents…what’s your opinion?  Exersaucers vs Jumperoo ? Which way are you leaning and why? Have you tried any of the ones on our list? Is there another model we left out, that should be added to the list? Take a second to leave a comment below and let us know.

Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.

View Comments

  • I've been going back and forth about this for awhile and are just at the point of getting our daughter (8 months) an exersaucer too. We are against having a ton of STUFF around that won't get much use, but I think this one may be worth it. Thanks for the recommendations on the Baby Einstein one. And 15 minutes of babysitting sounds great to me. (Although it's not completely free, though!)

    • Leah,

      I actually thought about that while I was typing it. It certainly isn't 'free." I should have had "it will more than pay for itself when you add up the 15 minutes of free babysitting it can give you each day."


      Check with your therapist / pediatrician first, but if they are ok with it, I say go for it! Amazon has some great prices, or if you don't mind going used craigslist will have TONS and at great prices.

      Be sure to let us know which one you went with. Your daughter is about the same age as fun!

  • Our 17 month old has the jumperoo, although we barely have put her in it since she starting sitting up on her own and can go grab her toys on her own (she wants out of her jumperoo after about 10 minutes) but she also loves her Johnny Jump Up! (the jumper you hook on the doorway)

    • Sarah,

      Thanks for your comment...we are about to move into a new house and I was thinking of getting the Johnny Jump Up! i was worried about it coming down, and not holding up (our little man likes to go wild!) Was it easy to install? Does it seem super safe and secure? Did you worry about it coming down when you first got it?

      Our little Noah would really like one I know!

  • Our physical therapist has been our "go to" person for aside. She nixed the jumpers and high fives the exersaucer. We got ours from a friend an anxiously await the day Enzo can try it.

    • Sounds like you have a great therapist!

      Keep rocking Vanessa!

      By the way, when are you going to start your own blog? Your an expert on Down syndrome with all of the great research you have been doing. :)

  • I second that! What a great idea Rick! I would love for Vanessa to start a blog staring her precious little one, Enzo! ;-)

  • I love your word exersaucer, in the UK we call them "activity centres", yours is way cooler

    Out Physio told us not to use them and there were sooo very many times i would have loved one - we spend ages encouraging our kids to move and then when they do we want to trap them in one place for a few minutes, so we can pick up the turmoil and carnage they created in another place. I end up cooking with her at my trouser legs and feet some days - others i just don;t bother cooking!

  • Alyson has been sitting in hers for months now. It started off as her hanging/sitting on it (with some pillow for inner support). But now she's actually standing in it.

    This exersaucer has paid for itself since its been passed down through the family. (it's gone through 4 kids!). In fact it's been used so much we've bought one for every house we visit (grandma's, uncles' and our home). It is worth it's weight in gold, IMO. :)

    • That's great! So awesome! Are you guys connected with us on Facebook? ( I'd love for you to post some pictures of Alyson some time! We enjoy all the pictures everyone posts!

      And we bought ours off of craigslist, and hope to pass it down to the next kid-o as well! :)

  • have you looked into the "around we go"? (on our little guy loves it and it has really helped with getting his feet moving. honestly one of the best things we bought him. :)

    • I haven't, but it sounds like lots of fun. What are some of the things you (or should I say your child) likes about it?

Published by
Rick Smith

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