Cookies and Milk And Carrots, and Excited Kids!
To my sweet sons,
I love watching your excitement and sense of wonder for Christmas. It was so much fun watching you get cookies and milk ready for Santa Claus, and carrots for his reindeer. You are now sound asleep. You can’t wait to wake up and see all of the loot that Santa left for you while you were sound asleep. Your stockings. Your presents. Santa is the man, right?!
One day you will get older, and you probably won’t be interested in leaving Santa cookies and milk. When that day comes (I hope not for many, many years) I thought I’d give you little video diary on what happens once you start snoozing.
This is what happens on Christmas Eve once you fall asleep. Enjoy.
P.S. – I love you guys so much. It’s a gift to me to be your dad. I love having fun at Christmas (and every other day) with you guys!
(Parent warning – do not play this video if there are kids anywhere around you. You’ve been warned.)
In the interest of accuracy and truthfulness, you do know – I hope – that reindeer do exist – and have been known to pull sleighs. Don’t think any of them fly, but that aside, don’t lead your little one’s astray!
What a fantastic idea!!!
Thanks. 🙂