Twas the night before Christmas…
I’m writing this blog post with a full heart and a quite house. After a great day of spending time with as a family (including my mom and brother who came up to hang out with us today), all of our children are asleep, and my wife and I are just hanging out on the couch relaxing. Life is good.
The older our kids get (Noah is 7 now!) the more fun Christmas becomes. It’s brings me great much joy watching the boys make cookies for Santa and put them out, along with carrots for Santa’s reindeer! They were SO excited yesterday waiting for the next day…the day when Santa would come!

Making cookies for “Santa!”
Hot Choclate

They are excited for Santa to come!

Cookies and milk for me…I mean Santa!
We let them open a present a piece on Christmas Eve…which they were excited to do!
After the boys went to sleep, we went to work…”helping Santa” do his work. I love the peaceful quite of Christmas Eve and the early morning hours of Christmas after the kids are in bed, and all of the stockings are full and the gifts are all wrapped and under the tree. There is nothing like it.
The next day came and the boys had so much fun opening their gifts and playing with their toys. It’s a blast watching them play with each other. As I’ve talked about before, it’s so much fun watching the relationship the boys have with one another develop.

Stockings come first!

Noah showing baby Koen a gift from his stocking

Jaxten’s new camera

Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em


Our boys are fans of Nerf guns!

Jaxten wanted to make a video. 🙂

Mario and Luigi

You see me rollin’
Check out this fun video of the boys “driving” their Power Wheels! Noah’s doing a great job (minus the fence he hit!)

On top of a great day for Noah and Jaxten, it was also a great day for their baby brother, Koen. He celebrated both his 8 week birthday today, as well as his first Christmas!

Koen’s First Christmas!
It is such a joy to be a dad to my boys, and a father to my sweet wife. She really is amazing, and my heart really is full. I love my family so much, they truly are one of the greatest gifts in my life. They really do make every Christmas, merry.
As I talked about yesterday, I know today wasn’t a day filled with joy for everyone. If that’s your story, I’m sorry. Please know, that you have a friend in us!
On behalf of the Smith family, we want to wish everyone reading this a very, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas
Hi Rick and Abbey,
Merry Christmas to you, Noah, Jaxten and Koen!
Thanks, and Merry Christmas to you as well!
We want to thank you for sharing your thoughts and Christmas with us. What a wonderful gift we all received in our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Thank you! Merry Christmas.
I love reading about your family….. The joy is contagious…. The wonder of Noah and all his milestones!!!! The way your family loves the Lord and each other!!!! Thank you for sharing!!!!
Prayers and Hugs????????????????
Thanks for the kind words. It’s all by the grace of God! Thanks for following our story. 🙂
I really enjoy reading about your family and all that Noah is learning. Thank you for sharing your family with us.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for commenting, and for following our story!
Hi there and Merry Christmas to your dear family! I just wanted to say thanks so very much for your blog and just for showing real, everyday life – and that that is where the wonder really is. We have two boys including our 5 y/o with DS and I so enjoy and relate to your stories and truly appreciate your and your wife’s wisdom and advice. Also – we got our boy the remote control car you featured in your Xmas list and he is pumped! So thanks for that! Praying God’s best for your family in 2018 – thank you again!!