Baby Mohawk / Fohawk …..? I Don’t See Why Not.

baby mohawk fohawk down syndrome baby

One of the moms on our Facebook page made a comment today about how cute children with mohawks are, and I promised I post a picture of baby Noah’s first mohawk (or shall I say fohawk?) 🙂

This picture was taken back in May of 2011, when we took Noah on his first vacation. He was out of town, and wanted to do it big. So I gave him a little wax and helped him do it big with a baby-hawk…!

(In the process I was reminded of how much this little boy has grown up since May of 2011….wow!)

Ok, how about you? Do you have any baby mohawk / fohawk pictures?  Let’s see them.  You can post a picture directly in the comments, or on our Facebook page. (I’m looking forward to seeing some epic cuteness!)

About Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.


  1. Loracmathias says

    Chapman’s mohawk…wrestlemania with dad!

  2. Donnarthurs says

    No matter how his hair is, Noah is just simply one of the most beautiful babies (little boy now) that I have ever seen.  No wonder you are so proud of him.

  3. Hi lovelies!! Here is my son Caleb rocking his fohawk for the very first time when he was 7 months old. He rocks it every chance he can get and he is now 15 months old. Love my superman so very much.

  4. Lincoln’s fohawk…   🙂  *he’s 2 months in the picture, 3 1/2 yrs now.  

  5. Ashley Fuggiti says

    Josh’s “fohawk” from 7 months. He is 10 months now and dad has him rockin’ this ‘do’ all the time. =) 

  6. Hannahsalty says

    lovin all the mohawks over the last couple of days. would post another one if i could, but sadly my computer doesnt love me that much 🙁

  7. This is my son, he isn’t special needs or has down syndrome but so far we haven’t done my daughter’s hair in a “mohawk”.  Please excuse the mess but I was cleaning and couldn’t pass up the picture opportunity, my friends 16 yr old was at the house and she decided to give Nate a “fo hawk”

  8. Liam in October 2010 – rock star in the making!

  9. James is looking good!

  10. James before his OHS in September 2011.

  11. Noah is just adorable, love seeing all of his pictures:)

  12. Aaron’s mohawk 🙂

  13. Daniellescibelli says

    Noah’s fohawk at 3 weeks old

  14. Margaret Rice says

    Wish I read this the other morning, when my daughter naturally woke up with a baby mohawk!  I LOVE all the instagrams especially the black and white photo – beautiful

    • You should post a picture!! 🙂

      By the way, thanks for the kind words about the instagram pictures…are you guys on there? Our user name is NoahsDadDotCom on there…

  15. Ethan with Faux-hawk & mohawk

  16. Sabra’s first faux-hawk happened while she was in the NICU. This second one was after we got her home 4 weeks later. I call it her “I pitty tha Fool!” look.

    • Hahaha, this is awesome! I love both! 

      How old is Sabra now?

      • 10 weeks + 4 days

        • @da7d0a0ab9526903d1fa5654e8df4670:disqus Awesome. Not much younger than Noah. It will be fun to watch them grow up together. 🙂  
          By the way, did you get an email when I replied to your comment? I’m trying to make sure that everyone is getting notified when replies are made to comments.  Thanks. 

          • It’s already been great and encouraging to us to see where Sabra will be in a few short months.
            And, no, I didn’t get an email notification. I just noticed your comment when I checked back for more photo submissions.

  17. Benji has always had a mohawk!  Even since his preemie/NICU days. Can’t find a good picture of it though….

  18. Lulu! 🙂

  19. Our Noah’s first mohawk 🙂

  20. Alexi rockin the mohawk!

  21. Forsythefamily says

    Landon, 2 Weeks old. December 2009

  22. Aiden with his mohawk- and Ed Sanders from Extreme Home Makeover

  23. Ok, Let’s try this again…Aiden and his mohawk with Ed Sanders from Extreme Home Makeover

  24. Hollie Lassiter says

    Nixen rocks the hawk!

  25. Lulu’s mohawk… Sky high… that’s how she rolls!  🙂

  26. Sarah was born with her fluffy mohawk and no matter what we did, it stuck right up till she was about 8 mths old.  Everyone loved it…even though it tickled up the nose when you held her close lol.

  27. Scott and Vanessa says

    I think this is Noah’s best look yet!  I am going to have to try that on Enzo!

  28. Aww Noah is so cute baby 🙂

  29. Hahaha, it’s really funny and cute baby

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