Noah Goes For A Walk On The Porsche Of Walkers: The Gait Trainer

We have been practicing Noah’s walking for awhile now despite him not even being 1 year old yet. We are far from him being able to walk on his own (although he’s inch-worming quite nicely!), however he’s figuring out the concept quite well. We started on the treadmill back in August, and we do it twice a week [Read More…]…

How Problem-Solving Is An Indicator Of Intelligence For Children With Down Syndrome

While I was studying for the Pediatric Board exam only one question I studied remains with me; If language development is delayed or hindered due to other motor delays such as apraxia, then problem-solving is the best indicator of intelligence. I have clung to that statement because I know that Noah’s language will be delayed; [Read More…]…

10 Qualities To Look For In A Pediatrician For Your Child With Down Syndrome

[This post is a part of the “New Parent Guide To Down Syndrome” blog series. Be sure to check out the other posts in that series.) You may already have a pediatrician and hopefully they are the perfect fit for your family. However people sometimes ask “do I  have to go to a special pediatrician for [Read More…]…

4 Types Of Early Crawling Methods

One of the first questions new parents ask about their newborn is “When is my baby going to crawl?” This is a huge milestone, so it’s understandable why parents ask this question.

Many parents aren’t aware of the various types of early crawling methods. Also there is a bit of confusion what’s actually considered crawling. For example in this video you’ll see our son inchworm crawling for the first time. Should this type of infant crawling actually be considered crawling? What are the other types of early crawling methods?

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Milestone Alert: The Inchworm And 4 Types Of Early Crawling Methods

Creeping vs. crawling…what’s the difference? A few days ago Noah started getting into quadruped on his own. It wasn’t a milestone post, but it was a huge one in our book. Why so big? Well it shows that Noah has the strength to possibly start crawling. As I was researching for this post, I learned [Read More…]…