I Hope Every Child With Down Syndrome Has A Friend Like Charlie

Today Noah and I hung out with one of my smartest friends, and his kid-o's. I happen to have a… Read More

12 years ago

Big Tex: The Voice Of The Sate Fair Of Texas Gives A Shout Out To Noah!

Please allow me to give you example #539 of how awesome / amazing / incredible the community that has formed through this… Read More

12 years ago

My Son’s First Visit To The State Fair Of Texas: A Tale Of Happiness And Heartbreak

Every year, the last Friday of September is like a national holiday in our house for me. I look forward… Read More

12 years ago

What A Denver Broncos Offensive Tackle Taught Me About Parenting

Today was one of those days where I just sat in awe as I watched Noah play, grow, and develop.… Read More

12 years ago