Somedays You Just Don’t Feel Like Learning How To Walk. And That’s Ok.

Whoever said that all children with Down syndrome are angels that obey every wish of their parents (or their physical… Read More

12 years ago

Reason #453 Why Being This Boy’s Dad Is Awesome: This Face On My Desk. Daily.

I could never count all of the reasons I love being this little boy's father. I have no idea how… Read More

12 years ago

Giveaway: Free Copy Of Wednesdays Were Pretty Normal: A Boy, Cancer and God

If you ask any parent one thing that's in limited supply in their home time (or money!) is usually at the top of… Read More

12 years ago

An Update On Our Child’s Occupational And Physical Therapy Progress!

I'm embarrassed to admit that our ten month old son spends way more time at the gym than I do. He works… Read More

12 years ago

There’s A Lot Of 21 Chromosomes (And A Lot Of Love) In Our House Tonight!

Tonight we hosted a monthly get together at our house for local families raising children with Down syndrome. It was a ton… Read More

12 years ago