Noah Visits The Apple Store And Hangs Out With His Uncle

Today was tons of fun! My brother came up and got to meet Noah for the first time, and as you can see Noah loves him a ton. We spent the day mostly hanging out at home, with a quick trip to the friendly neighbored Apple store thrown in for good measure.

Words can’t explain how much I love being Noahs dad. Everyday I love this kid more then the day before. It seriously feels like my heart is going to burst with love! At the end of today’s video you’ll see one of my all time favoriate parts of the day!   Its the time right before Noah goes to sleep, and I just hang out with him.  Sitting with him.  Holding him.  Staring at him.  Praying with him.  All while we just melts into me.  It’s awesome.

There is no doubt that God custom made Noah just for us. He just fits….in every way.

I’m surprised by the number of people that have reached out to me saying how they have been encouraged by our videos. You have no idea how much that blesses my wife and I. In fact one of the main reasons we wanted to start this site  was to encourage others, and give them hope. Almost every night I pray that Noahs life would bring crazy amounts of honor and glory to God. That through his life, others would be blessed. I didn’t think that would happen while Noah is only 5 1/2 weeks, but one thing I’ve learned, is that God has a funny way of answering prayer requests some most of the time! 🙂

Thank you so much for taking the time to share Noah with us.  If you are the parent of a child with Down Syndrome (either in the womb, or in the world) please know you aren’t alone.  Things aren’t as scary as they may seem.  I hope these videos bring you encouragement, and please leave a comment, we’d love to get to know you!

On a side-note, not every video will be “silly” like the last few. I just happened to have been at home the last couple of days with some extra time, so I figured I’d have some fun. Rest assured, I’ll try to mix up the silliness, with the serious.

Please, Check back tomorrow (or better yet, subscribe) for another video!


About Rick Smith

Hi, I'm Noah's Dad and I'm passionate about giving the world a window into our life as we raise our son who was born with Down syndrome. I also enjoy connecting with other families, so let's stay connected.


  1. I just found your blog from your comment to another blog – funny how that happens. Don’t have tons of time this morning, but I’ll be marking this and sharing it with my friends on Facebook. My son with DS is 14, so I’ve been watching kids with DS grow up online for quite a few years … but not quite as closely as this will allow! Enjoy him!

  2. Tamara,

    Thanks for your comment, and I’m glad you found our site! I really hope this site turns out to be a place of encouragement for parents of children with Down Syndrome, or any type of “special need.” So we’ll see what happens! 🙂

    I look forward to connecting with you more, and checking out your site, and reading about your son as well!

  3. Wintergurl says

    Just read ur post.this is really wonderful and sweet story. both of you are great parents.may GOD bless noah and both of you.

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