I hated road trips when I was a kid. My brother and I would frequently draw a line across the middle of the car so that we wouldn’t annoy each other…that didn’t really work.
I remember specifically a time when he just reached over and put gum in my hair. Really?
I don’t know how my parents survived our long trips to grandma and grandpa’s house. There was frequent screaming and crying in the back that must have driven them crazy.
However, if we had iPads, it probably would have been smooth sailing.
Noah’s Road Trip

Road trip entertainment has come a long way. Thanks, iPad.
Noah was a great traveler. He slept the majority of the time as he loves to sleep in the car. We barely make it five minutes from our house before he is asleep.
We were wondering how we would keep him entertained when he was awake. Rick or I would sit in the back and play with Noah.
He loved playing on the iPad himself. Rick found a great app called Baby’s Musical Hands in which touching the screen does color and different musical sounds. Noah thought it was pretty fun. He will probably get so bored with the iPad that it won’t work on road trips when we really want it to.
He lasted 10 hours the first day and 8 hours the second day. He only got a little fussy towards the end. We stopped every few hours and let Noah get out and stretch. Rick felt he deserved a toy after making it only 4 hours…
Noah was much better to travel with than my own husband. He was so bored! He did not like my method of eating and using the restroom only when we stopped to get gas. And I only stop when we are on empty (imagine me road tripping in a hybrid)
One of the reasons we were visiting my parents, besides just hanging out and letting them enjoy time with Noah, was for me to give a little speech at a golf tournament. I received a scholarship from a local group called the Trashmasters.

I get really nervous when giving speeches!
The Trashmasters is a tournament that involves earning points by hitting trees, ending up in sand traps, skipping the ball across the water and various other feats while still maintaining par (with your handicap). People come from all over the world to play in this tournament.
I was receiving the distinguished alumni award this year. I am beyond grateful for the help this scholarship provided to me while obtaining my degree at Baylor. I however hate public speaking and I am slightly embarrassed to have this on the internet.

The best thing about this trip is that my entire family is hanging out together. I have not seen my brother since before Noah was born. His wife also had a baby one month prior to Noah. This was the first time for us all to meet. I could not wait for Noah to meet his Uncle.
What tricks do you use to keep your kids entertained on road trips?
What is the craziest thing your kids of done while road tripping?
While our little kiddo is still an “inside baby” my mom used to always pack surprise trip bags for my sister and I. We weren’t allowed to open then until the car pulled out of the driveway. They were full of stuff like “mad libs”, a new book or two, magazines, some candy that doesn’t melt and takes a while to eat, road trip game books, and a few personal things. They kept us entertained at least for the first day 🙂 I was never a fan of road trip… Im one of those perpetual motion people and being strapped into a car for hours on end seems like some sort of mid evil torture!
Looks like you guys are having fun! Noah is such a good little kid!
So glad Noah travels well in the car. I had a follow up visit with my doctor today that was about 30 minutes from my house and Anna cried the entire way there and back :(.
Yikes, sorry to hear that. How hold is Anna?
By the way, you should grab a Gravatar —–> http://en.gravatar.com/
Allison, I like the idea of the surprise trip bag..that sounds like a ton of fun! I think I’m going to borrow that idea.
By the way, you should grab a Gravatar —-> http://en.gravatar.com/
Our baby Angelo gets by with food and more food 🙂 Will try if tab will work for him.