Wow, I can’t believe the weekends already over. This has been one of those rare ones that I love so much. We did a lot of hanging out, resting, a little bit of cleaning, and enjoyed lots of Noah time! As I’ve said a million times, it’s so fun watching this little guy grow up. I feel like every day we get to see a different expression, or learn something new about how God designed our little Noah. It’s been a blast!
Without a doubt, one of my favorite things t0 do is listen to my Noah’s laugh. I mean seriously, when’s the last time you’ve heard (or seen) a laugh as cute as his! Over the last few months Noah has started to laugh pretty much all day. He is either crying (hungry, or wants to cuddle), sleeping, or smiling, laughing, and playing…I love it! One thing that’s especially neat is that now Noah will smile and laugh at us anytime we pay even the smallest amount of attention to him (which is all the time!) The way you see him laughing while playing paddy cake in the video, is the way he laughs and smilies all day long…which it makes it hard to get anything done around the house! Think about it; would you be motivated to do laundry with a little boy like this in your house…?

Noah doesn't play around when it comes to his toys!
Abbie and Noah got to have a mommy and baby lunch with some friends we met through the Down Syndrome Guild Of Dallas this afternoon. As you can tell they had a lot of fun!
Shortly after Noah was born Abbie and I went to a new parent meeting put on by the guild, and I’ll be honest, we weren’t ready for it. Don’t get me wrong. It was great to be surrounded by other new parents who were experiencing some of the same emotions that we were. However, it felt sort of like when you’re learning to swim and someone throws you into the deep end of the pool. You always knew that one day you’d have to go into the deep end..but you never really feel ready for it. Then the day comes when you get pushed in. SPLASH…! After the shock of the cold water wears off you’re fine….but boy that first plunge into that cold, deep water is a doozy.

Seriously, would you be able to get anything done? 🙂
Perhaps how I felt that day will make it into another post, but let me just say this: If you are a new parent of a child born with Down Syndrome I’d highly encourage you to connect with your local guild (support group.) By the way, if you are anything like me, you may be thinking a few of the things I thought before going to that first meeting. Here are a few of them:
- It’s going to be weird. (It was. A little.)
- I don’t really need to go, I’m fine.
- I won’t have anything in common with anyone there. (I don’t think I have to explain how dumb that thought was.)
- It’s going to be a boring meeting with a vegetable tray and ranch dip in the back. (Actually they did have a vegetable tray..and it was good!)
- I’m to busy.
- I don’t even have time to hang out with the friends I already have, there’s no need to go meet more people.
- It’s to far of a drive. (It was actually just 15 minutes from our house.)
- Man…Undercover Boss is on tonight.
- I can get all of the same information on Google.
- It’s going to be weird.
- I’m married to a Doctor…she already knows everything about Down Syndrome! (She doesn’t. —She’ll even tell you that.) 🙂
Those are just a few of the thoughts I had…but I’m a little weird.
On a serious note, we not only went to the meeting, but we went to a picnic a few months later, and it was awesome! I’ll have to write about that in a future post as well, but it involved some sweet Karaoke! I say all of this because there is a special bond I feel whenever I met another parent raising a child born with Down Syndrome. It’s like we’re on the same road together. Like I just found a travel mate. So if you are a new parent and you have stumbled upon this blog, let me encourage you to connect with your local group. You don’t have to make this journey alone. There are lots of great (and fun) people out there just waiting to travel with you!
(By the way, don’t forget to subscribe to our site so we can stay connected!)
First thing I thought of when I saw photo #1 above was “There is *serious* work to be done to have fun!”
Hi chuckles are adorable. I want him already. You are blessed.
Thanks! I agree!
hahahah!! So cute..Abbie’s singing isn’t 1/2 bad either! Loved seeing all our kiddos on video…Our first cameo…we will be FAMOUS!
Thanks for posting; I am planning on going to the new parent meeting for the Dallas Guild next week (prenatal diagnosis, still no baby yet) and I’m VERY nervous about the meeting but also really want to meet some fellow travelers.
I can’t stop smiling. Your website, your family and your little man Noah are the BEST. Thanks for sharing your journey and your love with the world. I appreciate and will definitely share it with others so they can be blessed as well. <3<3
Thank you very much for the kind words. We have a lot of fun in this house. 🙂
Nice to have you along to share in our story. 🙂
I just love watching Noah-he’s such an amazing little baby. I know he has Down Syndrome, but like you will fall in love with his laugh. You take one look at him & you fall in love. Watching this video & others he is a very determined baby. I think he will exceed his limitations-he seems to be very determined to do that. He is so very lucky to have you & your wife as his parents. Your love for him shows in everything that you do & everything that he does. I am so glad that you are sharing his story with me-with us. I am learning more & more about Down Syndrome thru you & Noah. I worked in the medical field for over 10 years & I’ve learned more about this terrible disease thru you all in the short time that I’ve know you. God Bless Noah & God Bless you & your wife-if anyone is going to shed light & educate the masses (so to say) about this disease is you, Noah & your wife. Take care of each other, stay strong & know that there’s people out here that support you-God Bless you all. Big hugs for Noah xoxo
This is my baby Jack, jack! He is the most amazing boy ever! He has no faults, he is just where he should be. He loves his family, is super happy and does everything right. What ds diagnosis??? I don’t accept that since he’s perfect! I love this boy more than any mom could love their boy. He’ll never disappoint me, never be a criminal and never know the pain I have. God has blessed me and I’m so grateful!