Today I Chose To Celebrate My Baby’s Accomplishments, Not Compare.

It is good to take a moment to celebrate how far our children really have come. Watching this video I am so proud of how well Noah is sitting. He has worked so hard to accomplish this and it was no easy feat. He worked on his core, his balance, his proprioception, and all aspects of himself just to sit up. And he isn’t just sitting; he is sitting up nice and straight.

Sometimes we can get so caught up in what are children are not doing that we forget how far they really have progressed, and how hard they worked to get there. Once we meet a goal in our therapy sessions we are on to the next one, often forgetting about what was just accomplished.

Let’s Celebrate, Not Compare

I have been doing a lot of comparing lately, and I don’t know why. I know we all do it whether we talk about it or not. I get frustrated that Noah has to work so hard to do all of these things. Our sitting marathon seemed to last forever. We waited so long for him to do this on his own. While typical children just sit one day and that is that.

I make sitting look good

So today I am going to celebrate Noah and his accomplishment. He is sitting perfectly. He is sitting and putting his hands up on a pretty awesome toy. Sitting has expanded his world and allowed him to experience new things. He has done countless sit-ups, swinging sessions, and ball exercises to get here and I am unbelievably proud It doesn’t matter what age he was when this happened… it happened, and it happened because he is one determined little man.

It is your turn to brag, what recent accomplishment has your child made that you can celebrate today! Let’s celebrate our children’s accomplishments, not compare them….whose with me?!


  1. living in rural australia, we dont get alot of support from special services, so every thing paul has accomplished in his 16 months he has bassicaly done on his own. he is now able to get up and down from sitting, is just starting to crawl properly and is even starting to try and pull himself up more often kneeling at a chair to play. we are very proud of everything he is doing.

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      Sounds like he is pretty determined as well 🙂  I don’t know if you have looked at our resource page but there are a series of books that go through therapy for motor skills, fine motor skills and early communication.  It may be something that can help you if you are not getting the services you want for Paul, as it tells you what to do at home 🙂 

      • yes he most definitely is. thank you, when i can find the time i will have a better look 🙂

        • AlisonNolan says

          Hi Sonia! Just to say I bought the books Abbie suggested a few months back and have found them really excellent – keep up the good work sounds like Paul is really rocking!

          • That’s very cool! Thanks for sharing that with us. Which ones did you buy?

            • Alison Nolan says

              Back in July 2011, (yes I was one of the early adopters!) I was following and getting very anxious at the level of therapies which seemed to be available in the US compared to here so I sent a PM to you guys asking what services Noah received and Abbie sent me back this WONDERFUL email which listed the services – (where does she get the time!!) – but MORE IMPORTANTLY  she said ” the point of these sessions are not to help your son progress so much, but to help us learn what activities we should be working on at home every day.  You are the best therapist for your son.”  and she gave me the names of three books (under your developmental section Books 1 -3) on early communication skills, fine motor skills and gross motor skills in children with Down Syndrome.  These books are excellent – not the sort of book you sit down and read from cover to cover but you find out the level you kiddo is operating at and then there are lists of home activities which you can do to help them progress.  The three books cost me approx €45 (I got them on Amazon) but they will be referred to again and again….  Thanks again Abbie (and Rick) not only for the books but also for the encouragement! Keep up the good work!!

        • By the way, here is the link that lists the books my wife and Alison were talking about. Please let us know if you have any questions, or suggestions about anything on there. Those OT / PT books are very useful.  

        • Scott and Vanessa says

          I too have bought the books – and I do have resources available.  The books do coincide with every therapy that Enzo is going through so I can definitely vouch that the books are good.  I have Gross Motor Skills for children with Down syndrome, Fine Motor Skills for Children with Down syndrome and communication skills for children with Down syndrome.  These are 3 great books and can be bought online.  Best of luck Sonia…sounds like you’ll be chasing your little one around before you know it!  

        • @facebook-100000400548938:disqus  Keep us posted, and please let us know if there is any way we can help / support you guys. 

    • It’s amazing how many friends we have met though this website, and our Facebook page that live in Australia. I wonder how close all of you live to each other. 🙂 Do you visit our Facebook page much? If so, you’ll see Libby on there, I wonder how close you guys live to each other. She is very cool, and has a little boy with Down syndrome. It’d be great for you  guys to connect (if you haven’t already.) 

      • yes there are alot of us on here. libby and i have conected on facebook but unfortunately its at least 3-4 hours driving between our towns and if i am in melbourne (which isnt very often) its usually only for doctors apts so i dont realy have the time for visiting 🙁

  2. Kathryn Rogers says

    Look at him, sitting tall and proud!  What a big boy he is!!!!!!!  It was so cute when my two kids started to sit up on their own, how they would fold in half.  I’m still amazed and in awe of the flexibility of babies.  We all compare, even amongst siblings, I know I did.  I’m proud of my son (16) for the way he looks out for me (I’ve been having some medical problems) and his care and concern for me almost makes me want to cry sometimes.  I’m proud of my little fireball daughter (5), that’s her in my avatar, for how fearless she is.  She started competitive cheer leading in the fall, and her squad of first timers marched out onto the mats like they’d been doing it forever, and that was in front of a crowd of over a thousand people!

    I can’t tell you how much I enjoy reading about Noah, you and your wife are so blessed to have him in your lives.  🙂

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      What a sweet kid to take care of his mom 🙂  I hope that you are doing better.  Thanks for the support!

    • @facebook-1588991264:disqus  Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement! 🙂 

      It sounds like you guys are doing a great job.  Glad to have you around here. 🙂

  3. Greeneyesmonster says

    My 9 yr old has Asperger’s, hypotonia, motor skills deficits, dysgraphia, sensory issues, speech & language deficits, among other disorders and syndromes.  He cannot pedal a bike, walk down the stairs correctly, play on playground equipment easily or tie his shoes.  He gets very tired walking short distances and even when just standing for a few minutes.  Comparing him to other children in his class or even to his nieces who are the same age would be so easy to do. 

    Yet, over the years, I have learned that he will do things on his own time and there are SO many things he does really well that other children do not.  He is in accelerated reading and math.  With a Heavyweight Pencil his handwriting has gotten as good as any other child in his class.  Instead of focusing on what he cannot do or cannot do as well as his peers, I prefer to look at all he has overcome, continues to overcome and how hard this lil one tries.  He has to/has had to work so much harder than neurotypical children to get where he is.  We are talking two, three times (sometimes even more) as hard as his NT peers.  He is so strong, so resilient and so innovative and adaptive when figuring out how to do something ‘his’ way.  I have learned to give up my expectations for him and have just allowed him to set his own pace and I follow.  I am so proud of him!  He has exceeded all of our expectations for him!  He is just amazing!

    I am now going through the same thing with my 10 mo old.  He started PT just before missing his crawling milestone.  He has already been diagnosed with hypotonia and is showing signs of possible sensory/motor skill problems.  I have had to do the same thing with him ~ allow him to go at his own pace and not have any expectations of a “perfect” child.  This time it has been a no brainer for me (with my first it was much harder to let go) and he has done/is doing amazingly well!  He ended up crawling before missing his milestone ~  a good therapist is worth their weight in gold.

    You can either look at this life we, and they, live negatively or positively.  You can cry, rage and spend your time wishing (and constantly comparing) your child was just like everyone else’s or you can celebrate your child, his differences and each step forward (and sometimes backwards) he takes and just love and appreciate them for who they are and who they are and who they will become.  It’s not easy, it can be heartbreaking at times, there will be tears and times where you just want to rage at the world (or the insurance company/teacher/school system/specialist/family member/friend/spouse, etc).  You learn to wipe away the tears, dust yourself off and just keep taking one step at a time.  It is so worth it, believe me.

  4. One of the amazing things you can not teach is determination.  Therapists, teachers, friends, have all said it, if you child has the “want” you can always find a way to make it work.  Perseverance and determination will serve you and your child well!
    Sue Adelman from

  5. I am so proud of James, and it’s made it on my FB page, the noahsdad page,…but I don’t mind putting it here, too. 😉

    James is a sitting champion. He could totally win awards for it. And he wasn’t too happy when I started plopping him down on his tummy. But now he’s working toward the champion military crawler award! It’s so cool to put him in one spot…and a few minutes later, he’s not there any more!

    He’s also a hoss at flashcards. The boy can point out things on the flashcards that I didn’t know he knew! And we started playing a game with him on the iPad (Alien Buddies) that I could SWEAR he understood what he was supposed to do. But I don’t know about that last one…could just be me being his proud mama. 🙂

    I do compare, and I do get frustrated. Sometimes I think, “Oh, well. No one ever asks, ‘When did your kid understand pictures on a flashcard?’ so it’s no big deal that it’s later than typical kids.” But then I realize: you know, some things he may NEVER do. So I don’t have to be okay just with delayed accomplishments, but with maybe unachieved accomplishments. I have to be okay if he never makes it to thin liquids or if he can’t cook a meal for himself as an adult. And really, that’s fine! It just redefines what we’re all taught about what’s important in life. Seriously, a society that prides itself on acting like none of us need each other has issues.

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      We are going to have to check out this game.  I love your comment!  There are some things he may never do, there are some things that I will never do.  We will keep celebrating 🙂

    • @facebook-9210823:disqus I agree with my wife…that is a great comment. It the end of the day we need to just trust the Lord and take life minute by minute; day by day. 
      Thanks for all the wisdom you share with everyone here. We appreciate you, and thankful for the kind of mom you are to James! (Oh, and feel free to brag any where you want!)  

  6. Anna Phillips says

    I can relate to the comparison game. Other days I realize I’m not sure where other two-year-olds are for a specific milestone, but I know that Grace is making progress, that she’s further along than a month before.

  7. This post speaks perfectly to me…I nanny 2 toddlers with DS. The 21-month-old just started walking on his own, while the 28-month-old just started moving forward in her walker. Two totally different children, but both being equally celebrated this week!

  8. My son Caleb (15 months) sat unsupported for the first time on Sunday!!!!!! He usually sits with his hands between his legs but on this occasion he sat with his hands in front of his chest. Fortunately myself and my husband were both there to witness this momentous occasion and the look of pride on Caleb’s face was just priceless :)))))))

  9. I’d like to have a wee brag about my wee 5mth old  grandson Matai who has DS. This week he started to roll from his back to his front, after doing a warm up of crunchies with shoulders head and legs held up off the floor. He is very nosey to see everything and very strong and  determined. He was so proud of his accomplishment and now does it over and over, always followed by a beaming grin. We all think he is so clever. We are enjoying watching Noahs journey too and find it very inspirational. It is good to see what is in front of us and ideas to try out.

  10. Renae Williams says

    Damitri’s accomplishment?? he can get to a standing position on his own and hold it for abt 10-15 seconds!!! he can stan holding on to somthing for the length of a 30minute shos such as cat in the hat or sid the science kid…he likes to watch them standing in his crib

  11. AlisonNolan says

    What a lovely post and it is very true, we need to take the time to sit back and enjoy the accomplishments – “we” have an SLT appointment tomorrow and I have just sent her some videos I made recently of him “singing”!! and only then did I realise how vocal he had become! Sometimes it is hard to see the wood for the trees!!

    • That’s awesome! Be sure to keep up posted on how the appointment goes. Also feel free to post some of your pictures to our Facebook wall if you’d like. I’m sure they’d be fun to see. 🙂 

  12. It is so hard not to compare, for me sometimes it is because I want to make sure I am doing everything I can for James. But thank you for this post. I want to celebrate today and the fact he is sitting so well and that he gets everywhere he wants even if he is not crawling yet! I am so proud of him!

    • Amy you are doing a great job! Keep up the good work. I’ve enjoyed getting to learn about you and your family through our Facebook page. I’m thankful your children have such a loving mom 

      Don’t worry about that crawling, we figured Noah wouldn’t just inch-worm until he walked, but just the other day he decided to go for it…pretty much out of the blue. You never know what these little ones are going to do. 🙂 

      • Oh thanks…being a good mom is very important to me. Gonna just enjoy the moments and believe everything will fall into place when it is supposed to! I absolutelyloved watching Noah crawl and to be honest it made me cry because I know what a milestone it is:)

  13. Nancyhowson says

    Keep on going Noah the world for you has endless possiblities

  14. Nancyhowson says

    I am private caregiver to a fantastic little boy who has downs, I pick up some great ideas from your site thank you for sharing

  15. Upnorthshan says

    That post was perfect timing! While I try to never compare (even with my oldest “typically developing child”) it does happen. And the past few days I couldn’t help but do it. So instead of comparing, I’m going to take your advice. My little guy turns six months next week, and he has rolled from front to back several times and back to front once. He can transfer items from one hand to the other. He can bring items to his mouth. When he has a bottle, he holds it (this does require assistance to keep it at the right angle). He holds his head well. He also likes to be on his tummy and put his arms in front and kick his legs like he’s trying to propel forward. And watching his older brother cheer him on is priceless. 🙂

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      Those are all amazing things!!!  I would tell you that Noah still hasn’t mastered transfer of items…but then we would be comparing and not celebrating 😉

  16. Anna Theurer says

    Excellent post, Rick.  I have often told my patients to compare their child to himself/herself.  What I man is compare the Noah today to the Noah of 2 months ago–just think of all the wonderful changes and CELEBRATE.  However, I know all too well that doing that is easier said than done.  I have to frequently remind myself of that when I lament over Ellie’s lack of communication.  I get so frustrated to see children a whole year younger than her talking.  Grrr!  So I have to take a step back.  Today, I am celebrating that Ellie Bear is now pointing and she now says mama, dada, ball, bear, blue, and yellow.  She is a rockstar and I couldn’t be more proud 🙂

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      I am just starting to hit the frustrations of communication as I hear other kids say mama.  Cannot wait for those words to leave his lips, even just the ma sound.  He is probably sick of hearing that sound from me 🙂  

      Of course Ellie is a rockstar 🙂 She is Noah’s role model 🙂  

  17. Hillary Clayburgh says

    So exciting! it’s so easy to forget to celebrate the little things when we get caught up in the day to day and looking at our neighbors. Thanks for the reminder to celebrate our successes!

  18. Sarah Holton says

    I’ve read your fabulous blog for a while now, but never posted a comment before. My son with DS is now 5 (and totally brilliant!) and only this week has worked out how to do ‘thumbs up’ – I don’t think we even realised he couldn’t do it! Once he’d mastered it (after about half an hour trying!) he got it and now does it all the time! You’re right in saying we shouldn’t compare (but we do! ) but when I stop comparing I see all sorts of wonderful achievements 🙂  Love that feeling!  Keep up the good work Noah!

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      Give your son a thumbs up from Noah 🙂

    • @726a61fc315a6aa05b7a6b471f56f489:disqus awwwww.. I love this! How awesome. I’d love for you to share a photo of him doing the thumbs up! You can post it here in the comments, or on our facebook page. 
      And thanks for leaving your first comment. I’m glad you did. 🙂 I hope you will leave more. Everyone benefits from reading what’s happening in other peoples lives. 🙂 

  19. I agree.  It is so hard not to compare.   But know that everything you are doing is making a positive impact on your son’s life and that he has his very own timetable that is just right for him. 

  20. I am so inspired by your stories of Noah.  I am a mother of 5, grandmother of 7 and will be adopting a newborn with Down Syndrome in June.  I feel hope and inspiration by reading your stories and watching these videos of your wonderful little boy.  Finding this site has helped me to realise that just because my new child is challenged, difference is okay and through love we will be a strong, determined family with so much to celebrate.

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      Can’t wait to hear more about your story 🙂  where are you adopting from?

      • its a private direct placement adoption.  The girl pregnant has been a friend for several years, she was going to have an abortion and I wanted to adopt.  I didn’t know at the time that the baby was going to have down syndrome, now im just trying to learn as much as possible & try to be prepared.  I’m worried and scared but also full of excitement and anticipation.

  21. Padgett Mozingo says

    Thanks for sharing this. I LOVE this idea and enjoy being able to celebrate Noah’s accomplishments too. Our Lila is almost 10 months, and after spending her first 55 days in the NICU and three major surgeries, followed by heart surgery in November, she is progressing well. She might not be where other babies her age are but she too is strong and determined! She came home from the hospital with a feeding tube but with a lot of work and effort, she is now even holding her own bottle and enjoying baby foods. She is not yet sitting but we are working on it and eagerly awaiting the time we can celebrate that accomplishment. All children – regarding of the obstacles they face – develop and learn at their own pace. And those milestones deserve celebration. Kudos to you for doing just that, and for sharing it with the rest of us.

  22. Scott and Vanessa says

    It’s funny that you mentioned this…as I read it in the wee hours of nursing, I was thinking back at Enzo’s therapy session.  It was the BEST one yet….but wait…aren’t they all?  I kinda feel embarrassed to admit, but I go the therapies and I write down what needs to be done, what he’s doing, etc….and I do forget to remember just how far Enzo has come!  And let me tell you…he has come a long way BABY!  

  23. What is that toy called? I have been looking for something like that for Luke. He is 2 years old and cannot sit on his own..He is very close to victory. 

  24. Peggy Edgar says

    High 5’s to Noah!!! What a huge accomplishment!!My son, Kirby, died in 1989 at age 10. He was profoundly “developmentally delayed” and finally learned to sit up shortly before his death….we had a big celebration!!!You and your readers have probably seen the following before but I think it’s worth repeating.Welcome to HollandI am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability – to try to help people who have not shared that unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It’s like this……
      When you’re going to have a baby, it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip – to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The Coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “Welcome to Holland.”
    “Holland?!?” you say. “What do you mean Holland?? I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.” But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It’s just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
    It’s just a different place. It’s slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you’ve been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around…. and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills….and Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy… and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.” And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away… because the loss of that dream is a very very significant loss.
    But… if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things … about Holland. Emily Perl Kingsley  1987

    • Noah's Mom, MD says

      I love that poem 🙂  It is always a good reminder.  We got it shortly after Noah was born.  Sorry to hear about the loss of your son.  I bet that was a fantastic celebration.  

  25. To compare your child to a “typical child” is normal. I catch myself comparing my two girls who are 2 years apart. They are “typical children” but they are so different from each other. Comparing is what we do to see where we are in any kind of development.

    For over a year after my son Kevin was born he was a project to me more than a child. Than one day I realized that he was my gift from God.  I believe with everything in me that my son, who is 24 now and has DS, was given to me because I needed him as much as he needed me. I won’t go into detail because it’s a long story. He has taught me more than I ever taught him. He is an inspiration to my other children who are more aware and accepting of someone who may be different. He also touches the lives of my children’s friends and they are better for knowing him.
    I enjoy watching Noah grow. I wish this kind of support had been available when Kevin was little. I went to several support groups that first year but it seemed like most of the evenings were crying sessions and after I finally accepted Kevin as my child, I quit going.You obviously adore your child but I can tell you, you will make many more discovery’s about parenting a child (with or without special needs). It’s a frustrating, wonderful, scary, exhausting, but worthwhile journey that never ends.

    It looks like most of the people who follow your site are parents with very young children. I’ve been where all of you are and I love reliving Kevin’s formative years thorough you and your children.

    BTW: I have 7 children ages; 27, 24, 19, 13, 12, 11 & 10

    • @0016cd128a5847402d558516cdab79cf:disqus Thanks for your comment. I’ve worked with teenagers for over a decade now, so I know what you mean. Parenting in general is challenging. 🙂 It sounds like you guys are doing a great job. We actually a have a wide range of families that read our site. Are you connected to our Facebook page? Tons of people there of all ages, it’s awesome.  
      7 children..! Wow, I bet you guys have a ton of fun over there. 🙂 

  26. I know what you mean, Rick! I would compare my other children, too! I think it’s natural (not good) but in most people’s nature.  I have decided that with, Reuben, I’m going to try my BEST not to compare…He WILL do everything, just when HE is ready…and i’m telling you, it really does make it all the SWEETER when they do! 
    @NoahsDadDotCom:disqus I am friends with @facebook-100000400548938:disqus but we live nearly 4 hours away from each other.  I’m hoping to see them at the family fun day and the buddy walk this year…It would be AWESOME to meet them! xx

    • wow, that is awesome that you are friends with @facebook-100000400548938:disqus  I love hearing about all of these wonderful connections!  @39777e8237eca68fabf6b2a08558cef7:disqus  you guys are doing so awesome! Keep up the great work, and know we are so glad to call you guys our friends. 🙂

  27. Funny you should post about comparing… My son who has DS will soon start daycare. We went on a playgroup session for the first time there so he could start getting accustomed to the place. Of course, I couldn’t help but comparing him to the other children there… 

    So no more comparing and I will instead celebrate the fact that he is also a sitting champion! He no longer needs pillows around him in case he should lose his balance. And he is a champion eater! We were told he would have a lot of trouble with eating since he was tube fed for so long and also has Hirschsprung’s disease, but he did master first the art of breastfeeding, then had no trouble with puréed/mashed food and we are now working on little pieces.

    So kudos to Noah and all of our children! 

  28. Our grandson Patrick is walking!!  He can stand up with no support and toddle right along!  He turned 2 and the end of November and we could not be more proud of him!  His sister Caitlin is working on holding her head up ans strengthening her neck muscles. She just turned 5 months old.

  29. makayla can do some of the hand motions to etsy bitsy spider, open and shut them, twinkle twinkle and she just started rolling her arms for the wheels on the bus!

  30. Tawny Becker says

    This is just what I needed today.  Thank you! 

  31. It’s one of the Catch 22’s of being a special needs parent. You always have to be ready to list off all the things your child CAN’T do (so they don’t cut your services or so doctors take you seriously) and yet, you know how damn hard they work to achieve each milestone that you have to always remember to celebrate what they CAN do instead of focusing on what they can’t. It’s hard to be able to switch those gears when necessary. Yay for sitting up! That is a huge, hard skill!!

    • @8f884f00f809a5dc2984d58565c07c28:disqus Wouldn’t life be so much better if we learned to live life looking at the half full instead of the half empty all the time? 🙂 
      How old are your children by the way?

  32. Thank you for sharing.  I’m new – joined recently.  My daughter is 4 months old and we also dont get a lot of support from special services too.  We are proud that she’s making good progress and doing well with her health.  It’s awesome to hear of Noah’s us hope! 

    • @80c58cad95634715a42c68b9a853726a:disqus Thanks so much for reaching out and commenting. We’re so glad you did. 🙂 
      How did you guys hear about your site? How often does your daughter go to therapy?  

  33. A month ago I was big as a house pregnant with my fourth child,Nico..I was cooking dinner when your family came on tv and I stopped to listen to your amazing,positive story..I was moved over the wonderful things you had to say about DS & your beautiful son Noah.
    Little did I know that in a few days during my wonderful home birth my son would also be born with DS.I knew tho when I scooped him out of the water he was special and the amazing bond we share began.I wasn’t scared or upset I just knew everything would be ok.I knew he may struggle but that I would also do everything possible in this world to help him achieve anything he wanted.
    We struggled the past few weeks with breastfeeding due to his low muscle tone but I am here celebrating him now full-time nursing,no bottle!!We did it and we did it together,I never doubted that he would accomplish just took a little team work and I foresee this as our path in life,teamwork..
    My 5 year old claims “we scored the perfect baby”yes,yes we did.
    Thankyou for having a positive uplifting place that I can learn and share my amazing child..

  34. In addition to individual therapies, our therapy center has a group baby class once a week – mostly babies with Down syndrome.  Even in this group which is roughly the same age, there is quite a bit of variance in when they are hitting developmental milestones.  On one hand, it is hard not to compare and want to be the first to a milestone.  On the other hand, we get to watch and celebrate as several very hard-working kiddos make wonderful progress.   Our 10-month-old is sitting like a champ and has started making good transitions onto her belly on her own to go after toys.  We may have to start baby-proofing the house soon…  🙂

    • @1597a4793c158fe70dfb850943badeb1:disqus A baby play group…..that sounds awesome. How many babies end up coming to the play group?

      • There are seven in my daughter’s class.  Each week, the group (with parents) has a 1.5 hour class, with 1/2 hour physical therapy, 1/2 hour music therapy, and 1/2 hour speech therapy or occupational therapy (alternating weeks).  I think it is great.   

  35. I am so thankful to you all, i just learned about this website yesterday, and I can’t stop looking at all the beautiful children just like Luke…I am in Corsicana, TX, just 50 miles south of Dallas. Luke is 2 years old now and I would love to get involved with some of the other parents. Does any one know of a good therapy place open after 5pm or on weekends around DFW?
    We currently have PT with ECI once a week and OT with ECI once every two weeks..

    • @facebook-1433957275:disqus  We are so glad you found our site. How did you find us? (It’s always fun to learn how people find out about our site.) 
      We use Our Children’s House At Baylor here in Dallas. It’s been really great. Have you called them? I think they may have some late and weekend hours. (I’m not 100% sure, but it’s worth checking out.) 

  36. Chelsea is 7 1/2 months old.  Today she impressed her therapist by reaching up, grabbing a toy and shaking it ferociously all while sitting with support.  We are still working on sitting up alone.  Go, Baby!

    • @a41f452e0fe4f17899c5eece3ca84d94:disqus Yahhhh go, go, go!! It sounds like she is doing great! As you can see in your videos it took Noah forever to learn to sit up straight (at least that’s what it seemed like) and than one day he just up and got it. It’s like everything clicked. 🙂 
      What sort of toys do you guys use in therapy?  

  37. Chris J Schneider1 says

    I agree that celebrating as opposed to comparing is a great perspective. I try to use that philosophy with the teenagers I work with, because their life revolves around comparing themselves with each other, the ideal self portrayed by the media, and even their own perceptions of what they think their parents, friends, etc. think that they should be.

  38. This is such a great reminder for all parents that have children with differing needs and abilities.  I have one child that has Down syndrome but I need to remember this for all of my kids.  Also, I like how the title specifies that “TODAY” you “CHOSE.” 

  39. I’m not sure where you got the idea that ‘normal’ kids just have to learn something, like sitting up, once and then just do it all the time. I had three biological childen (and raised several others) and they often learned a skill, back slid a bit, relearned the skill, etc. Even with a ‘normal’ kid you have the tendency to compare your child with others and worry, i.e. Jimmy can climb stairs and Suzy can’t and she’s two months older! (but maybe you forgot that Suzy lives in a one story house and Jimmy’s home has stairs). Your little guy has two loving parent and with those amazing blue eyes will go far as he enjoys this world you are helping him grow into.

  40. Having said that, parents of Downs or any ‘handicapped’ kids do have a longer list of things to worry about, heart problems, etc. and more work, physical therapy along with ballet classes and t-ball schedules to deal with, but the Downs kids I took care of did pretty much what my kids did, baked cookies, went sledding, played games, read stories and liked having them read to them. They sometimes needed extra help at first, but everyone had a great time, it wasn’t that big an adjustment, and the so-called disabled kids wemt to school, acted like teenagers when they got to that stage and eventually grew up to have jobs, too.

  41. Thanks for the post, it’s very important to remember that comparing can be so counteractive. Sure, it’s useful to know the areas where our kids might be falling behind, but at the end of the day, they’re doing things at their own speed and the best we can do is be there for them, challenge them and help them grow. Not to say that I haven’t struggled immensely with this (and still am) – but it sure helps to hear other people’s stories!

    Our first son has Williams Syndrome and when he started to walk on his own over xmas (being about two and a quarter years old), I was immensely proud of him and so excited (relieved too). He still has much to learn in terms of walking, but it makes me very happy to see him stolper around, as I can tell he enjoys the freedom and new perspectives it gives him.

  42. Aiden is climbing the stairs on the slide (that are too far apart for his short legs) all by himself and going down the slide on his belly!!! He’s also talking!!! Saying new words everyday….so so sooooo proud of my mamas boy!!!

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